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Commander's Holiday Message

12:00 AM12/17/2012

To the men and women of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa,

This time of year is a season of celebration, tradition, and fellowship - a season that revolves around those friends, family, and loved ones we value most.

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CJTF-HOA members construct Forward Headquarters Element, train for emergency ops

12:00 AM12/11/2012
Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa service members constructed a Forward Headquarters Element with joint operation center capabilities as part of contingency readiness training on Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, Dec. 3, 2012.

The FHE,
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US, Seychelles militaries partner to hone search, rescue procedures

12:00 AM12/7/2012
Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa service members assigned to the 81st and 82nd Expeditionary Rescue Squadrons recently completed a week-long joint military training engagement alongside the Seychelles Air Force and Coast Guard where best
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US, Japanese forces conduct C-IED training

12:00 AM12/6/2012
Japanese Ground Self Defense Force members teamed with Soldiers from Kentucky Army National Guard's 2nd Battalion 138th Field Artillery Regiment to conduct counter-improvised explosive device training Nov. 29, 2012, at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.
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Dory: Northern Mali a Terrorist Safe Haven

12:00 AM12/6/2012
Northern Mali has become a terrorist haven, and DOD will continue to work with local African nations and regional organizations to isolate and degrade the threat emanating from the area, a senior defense official told Congress today.
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Collaborating Extremist Groups Worry AFRICOM Commander

12:00 AM12/4/2012
Extremist groups collaborating in Africa pose a threat beyond the region that extends to Europe and the United States, U.S. Africa Command's top military officer said here today.

Countering violent extremists is a growing challenge
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Building Eco Dome brings villagers, service members together

12:00 AM11/28/2012
Roughly three years ago, a group of Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa military members arrived at the small village of Karabti San several hours north of Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, in the Tadjourah region to build an Eco Dome. After countless
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Coalition refueling training enhances interoperability, partnerships, mission capabilities

12:00 AM11/28/2012
U.S. Marines from the Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron (VMGR) 352, assigned to the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit, conducted a refueling training mission with the French forces while flying at 15,000 feet over Djibouti Nov. 22, 2012.  Read more

Going Farther by Going Together: Building Partner Capacity in Africa

10:37 AM11/27/2012
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in Issue 67, 4th Quarter 2012, of the Joint Force Quarterly, a military journal published by the National Defense University for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to inform members of the U.S.
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Panetta Details Steps Needed to End al-Qaeda Threat

10:22 AM11/27/2012
For the United States and its allies, ending the al-Qaida threat calls for a modified military footprint, close work with partners and continued U.S. involvement in regions of the world where violent extremism has flourished, Defense Secretary Leon
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Everyone a Sensor: USAFE Commander Discusses Sensitive Topic at Airman's Call

12:00 AM11/26/2012
U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Commander, Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, visited Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, Nov. 21-22, 2012, to meet with Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa leaders and Airmen.

While visiting,
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Camp Lemonnier Receives a Visit from the Chief of Naval Operations

12:00 AM11/26/2012
Adm. Jonathan Greenert, chief of naval operations, accompanied by his wife, Darleen, toured the base, performed a re-enlistment ceremony, spoke with sailors at an all hands call and answered sailors' questions.

The CNO spoke about
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US Service Members Deliver Supplies to Bi'idley Storm Victims

12:00 AM11/23/2012
After the small village of Bi'idley located within the Ali Sabieh district of Djibouti was hit by a strong wind storm three months ago, the village's nearly 100 residents were left with demolished homes, missing livestock and some personal
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Thanksgiving Message From CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM11/22/2012
Thanksgiving is a time of reflection and community. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving deployed together across East Africa, let's pause for a moment to give thanks for a few of the blessings we all share.

I am thankful today for
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Panetta Details Steps Needed to End al-Qaeda Threat

12:00 AM11/21/2012
For the United States and its allies, ending the al-Qaida threat calls for a modified military footprint, close work with partners and continued U.S. involvement in regions of the world where violent extremism has flourished, Defense Secretary Leon
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Remembrance Ceremony Held to Honor Those Who Gave All

12:00 AM11/20/2012
Service members from Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, the British Army and the Commonwealth joined together at the Djibouti New European Cemetery in observance of Remembrance Day to honor the sacrifices made by military men and women both
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Going Farther by Going Together: Building Partner Capacity in Africa

12:00 AM11/16/2012
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in Issue 67, 4th Quarter 2012, of the Joint Force Quarterly, a military journal published by the National Defense University for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to inform members of
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Soldiers, Teachers Team During First Aid Workshops

12:00 AM11/13/2012
U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa's 448th Civil Affairs Battalion, deployed from Fort Lewis, Wash., partnered with the Dikhil, Djibouti, Office of Education Oct. 28 - 31, 2012, during two, two-day first aid
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Djibouti Navy Hosts Exercise Cutlass Express, East African Maritime Interdiction Exercise

12:00 AM11/12/2012
The Djibouti Navy welcomed seven other East Africa countries' naval forces to Djibouti City, Djibouti, to participate in the second annual Cutlass Express exercise held Nov. 1 to 8, 2012.

"We are very happy to see these people
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Marine Corps Birthday Message from CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM11/10/2012
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the Marines here at Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa and around the world as you celebrate the 237th birthday of the United States Marine Corps.

As our Marine Corps brethren know well, it all started
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