The Commander's Speaker Series presents Major General Moses Bisong Obi at
the Kelley Theater, Tuesday, 13 December 2011 from 1330-1500. The title of
Maj. Gen. Obi's lecture is "Waging Peace in Independent
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General Carter F. Ham, commander, U.S. Africa Command, met with AFRICOM component commanders from Europe and Africa for the semi-annual AFRICOM Component Commander's Conference on the Naval Support Activity in Naples, Italy, November 21, Read more
He was attacked but he didn't know it; he didn't know he was dying. It took two days before he started feeling something might be wrong. A headache that wouldn't go away, an upset stomach. He was a bit warm, but who wouldn't be Read more
On the occasion of World AIDS Day, U.S. Ambassador to Tunisia Gordon Gray inaugurated a new AIDS prevention and testing center built for the benefit of the Tunisian Association for the Prevention of AIDS and Sexually Transmissible Diseases Read more
Sailors assigned to the guided-missile frigate USS De Wert (FFG 45) participated in a community service project at the Makongo Primary School in Dar Es Salaam, November 26, 2011.
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Commander of the Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM), Lieutenant General Stuart Beare, visited U.S. Africa Command headquarters November 28, 2011 to discuss continued partnership between CEFCOM and AFRICOM on the African continent in Read more
"This is the Kennedy," said U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Albert "Boats" Perret, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa small boat tactics instructor, as he pointed to the schematics of a small boat, which were Read more
Mohammed Bouziane is a mountain of a man. Standing 6 foot 6 inches tall he can intimidate anyone, and yet it was the Moroccan native's soft spoken skills that made the Navy choose him for a recent Secretary of State-ordered medical Read more
More than 35 service members and civilians representing several nations including the U.K., France, and United States, participated in a ceremony on Remembrance Sunday, November 13, at the Djibouti New European Cemetery here to remember the Read more
Twenty-eight instructors from the U.S. and Botswana worked together to train 115 officers and Non-Commissioned Officers from the Botswana Defense Forces (BDF) during the second iteration of the Botswana Tactical Intelligence Course (BTIC-II), Read more