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Volunteers Provide Shade and Comfort for Tuberculosis Patients

12:00 AM6/6/2012
Early on a Saturday morning, May 19, 2012, before the normal duty day began at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, 18 volunteers gathered, coffee in hand and work gloves in pockets.
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Volunteers Provide Shade and Comfort for Tuberculosis Patients

12:00 AM6/6/2012
Early on a Saturday morning, May 19, 2012, before the normal duty day began at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, 18 volunteers gathered, coffee in hand and work gloves in pockets.

This was the first day of a month-long project to provide shade
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MCAST Customs Inspection

12:00 AM6/5/2012
A photo essay by Senior Chief Petty Officer Maria R. Escamilla.
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Djiboutian, U.S. Navies Practice Maritime VBSS Operations

12:00 AM6/4/2012
Djiboutian naval personnel and sailors from three U.S. Navy organizations participated in Visit, Board, Search and Seizure training here May 7-31, 2012.

Sponsored by Africa Partnership Station, the training reflected a joint venture
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U.S. Army Civil Affairs Battalion Conducts VETCAP in Ethiopia

12:00 AM6/4/2012
Partnering with Babile's veterinarian team, members of the U.S. Army 490th Civil Affairs Battalion, Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa, participated in a Veterinary Civil Action Program here May 21 - June 1.
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Djiboutian, US Navies Practice Maritime VBSS Operations

12:00 AM6/2/2012
Djiboutian naval personnel and sailors from three U.S. Navy organizations participated in Visit, Board, Search and Seizure training here May 7-31.
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Joint Senior NCO/Warrant Officer Symposium Strengthens Bonds Among Africans, U.S.

12:00 AM6/1/2012
Nearly 30 representatives from more than 20 African partner nations gathered at an academic research center in southern Germany to share insights and learn from U.S. subject-matter experts during a Joint Warrant Officer and Senior Non-commissioned
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Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps Visits Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force-12.2

12:00 AM5/31/2012
General Joseph Dunford, the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, stopped at Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily, to meet the Marines and sailors of Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force 12.2 on Memorial Day, May 28, 2012.
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New Eco-Dome Signals Changes for Djiboutian Village

12:00 AM5/31/2012
U.S. service members assigned to Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa joined with local villagers on the final stages of construction for a new structure here May 22-24, 2012.
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"Experiment" Designed to Link Civil Info to Better Decisions in Remote Areas

12:00 AM5/31/2012
Civil affairs specialists visit a village in a remote town in Africa and help install a water well for an overpopulated community - sounds like a great success story, right? But sometimes these missions have unseen consequences. In this scenario,
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Baker Assumes Command of CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM5/29/2012
U.S. Army Major General Rob Baker assumed command of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa here May 26.
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CJTF-HOA Soldiers Visit Girls Orphanage

12:00 AM5/29/2012
A photo essay by U.S. Army Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti.
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Baker Assumes Command of CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM5/26/2012
U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Rob Baker assumed command of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa here May 26.

Baker, who comes to CJTF-HOA after having served at the Pentagon as Director for Joint Force Development, Joint Staff, relieved
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African Land Forces Summit Closes in Kampala

12:00 AM5/25/2012
The second biennial African Land Forces Summit came to a close May 18, 2012, in a ceremony in Uganda's capital of Kampala.
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Joint Humanitarian Operations Course Helps Build Connections Before a Disaster Strikes

12:00 AM5/25/2012
Hurricanes, floods, volcano eruptions and other disasters do not wait for humans to get up to speed.

The Joint Humanitarian Operations Course (JHOC) is designed to get ahead of disasters. In the two-day course, U.S. military and
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U.S. Navy Makes First APS Port Visit to Namibia

12:00 AM5/25/2012
High Speed Vessel Swift (HSV 2) made a port visit to Walvis Bay in support of Africa Partnership Station (APS) 2012, May 22-23, the first APS visit and the first U.S. Navy vessel port-of-call to Namibia in over a decade.
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U.S. Personnel Dedicate Ethiopian School Facilities, Enhance Education Opportunities

12:00 AM5/25/2012
Ethiopian and U.S. personnel gathered for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to dedicate a new schoolhouse and two latrines at the Gende Gerada Primary School here May 22, 2012.

This building project lines up with one part of the mission
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U.S. Personnel Dedicate Ethiopian School Facilities, Enhance Education Opportunities

12:00 AM5/24/2012
Ethiopian and U.S. personnel gathered for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to dedicate a new school house and two latrines at the Gende Gerada Primary School here May 22.
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Long Road Home for Liberian U.S. Marine

12:00 AM5/23/2012
In 1998, during the Liberian civil wars, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Abraham Tarwoe, then age 12, fled the violence of his home country, searching for peace.
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New Eco-Dome Signals Changes for Local Village

12:00 AM5/23/2012
U.S. service members assigned to Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa joined with local villagers on the final stages of construction for a new structure here May 22-24.
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