Obangame Exercise 2014 Improves Maritime Expertise and Cooperation between African Partners
2:09 PM4/16/2014
Obangame Exercise 2014 Improves Maritime Expertise and Cooperation of African Partners.
Obangame Express 2014 (OE-14). OE-14 is a Gulf of Guinea-based multinational maritime exercise designed to improve cooperation, interdiction expertise and
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Multinational Participation Plays Key Factor to Exercise African Lion
10:20 AM4/15/2014
Exercise African Lion is U.S. Africa Command’s flagship program in Northern Africa to build partner-nation capacity and interoperability. The African Lion 14 Observer Program was built to showcase the exercise to potential participants, setting the
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Counselor to Secretary of State Meets AFRICOM Leadership
8:26 AM4/15/2014
Ambassador Thomas Shannon, counselor to the U.S. Secretary of State, meets with the leadership of U.S. Africa Command during a visit to the command’s headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, April 15, 2014. This is Shannon’s first visit to the command.
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Ghana and U.S. Maritime Forces Complete Combined Maritime Law Enforcement Operation
12:50 PM4/14/2014
SEKONDI, Ghana –Ghanaian and U.S. maritime forces completed a three-week combined maritime law enforcement operation as part of African Maritime Law Enforcement Partnership (AMLEP), April 11.
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April is Month of the Military Child
2:52 PM4/10/2014
Military Kids Rock
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Marines Land in Morocco, Demonstrate Crisis Response Capability
11:01 AM4/10/2014
In today’s security environment, the ability to quickly place military personnel on a location anywhere on the globe is at a premium. In order to stay ready for that task, the U.S. Marines of Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force conducted a
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US Marine, Coastguardsman Work Together, Train with Togolese Navy, Gendarmerie
1:48 PM4/9/2014
A U.S. Marine and U.S. Coastguardsmen traveled to Lomé, Togo, to demonstrate small-boat engine mechanics to a group of sailors and Gendarmerie from the Togo Navy, March 22-29.
Lance Cpl. Tyler Jackson, a Marine with Special-Purpose Marine
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North Dakota National Guard Celebrates Togo as Third African Partner
1:33 PM4/9/2014
For the second time in two days, the North Dakota National Guard has formalized a partnership with a west African nation. Today's signing ceremony officially affiliates the North Dakota National Guard and the Togolese Republic as a component of the
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Ghana Defence Chief visits AFRICOM
11:48 AM4/9/2014
Vice Adm. Mathew Quashie, Chief of Defence for the Ghana Armed Forces, traveled from Accra to meet with leaders of U.S. Africa Command on April 7 at the Command’s headquarters at Kelly Barracks, U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart, Germany. Accompanying
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Partnerships Key to Solving African Problems, DOD Official Says
6:27 AM4/9/2014
Cooperation - internationally and on the continent - is changing Africa, defense officials said here today.Partnerships among the nations of the continent, among international allies and among both groups are giving African nations the resources
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Africa Presents Challenges, Opportunities to U.S. Command
6:20 AM4/9/2014
In Africa, success sometimes lives right next to failure.“The African continent presents significant opportunities and challenges,” said Army Gen. David M. Rodriguez, the commander of U.S. Africa Command. The general and Amanda J. Dory, deputy
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Pentagon Press Briefing with Gen. Rodriguez and Amanda Dory
3:26 PM4/8/2014
Deputy Assistant Secretary Amanda Dory and Gen. David Rodriguez, former commander, U.S. Africa Command, briefed reporters on U.S. strategy and operations in Africa on April 8, 2014.
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Marines Conduct Non-lethal Weapons Training in Nigeria
1:08 PM4/8/2014
A group of Marines with Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa 14.1 recently returned from a five-day training exercise in Abuja, Nigeria, March 22.The group of four Marines trained approximately 20 Nigerian soldiers on basic
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USARAF and Ghana Armed Forces Share Medical Expertise
12:37 PM4/8/2014
In partnership with the Ghana Armed Forces, U.S. Army Africa and medical personnel from 3rd Medical Command Deployment Support conducted Medical Readiness Training Exercise 14-3, at the 37th Military Hospital in Accra, Ghana, March 24-April 4
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World Health Day 7 April 2014 theme: small bite, big threat
1:27 PM4/7/2014
U.S. Africa Command joins in celebrating World Health Day on 7 April.
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Cabo Verde Signs ACSA with DoD
11:56 AM4/7/2014
Cabo Verde (formerly known as Cape Verde) becomes the 19th African nation with an active Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreement (ACSA) with the U.S Department of Defense (DOD).
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April 4 is International Day of Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action
7:22 AM4/3/2014
April 4 is International Mine Awareness Day. As the world marks this day, U.S. Africa Command joins the observance through its support of demining efforts across Africa.
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Moroccans, U.S. Engage in Stability Operations Training
6:39 AM4/3/2014
The U.S. and coalition forces learned valuable lessons during recent campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, specifically regarding the importance of stability operations and their relevance during future contingencies.Soldiers from the Royal Moroccan
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African Partnership Flight Angola 2014 Concludes
11:52 AM4/2/2014
African Partnership Flight Angola 2014 came to a close after a full week of events including Airmen from the Angolan, U.S. and Zambian air forces, March 28.
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Intelligence Building Workshop an Indication of Interoperability during African Lion 14
7:21 AM4/1/2014
MOROCCO - During African Lion 14, the Intelligence Capacity Building Workshop was a small but significant example of multilateral cooperation and international partnerships to bolster partner-military capability and intelligence capacity across
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