Military Review Discusses Africa Command
12:00 AM12/31/2007
United States Africa Command is the subject of a new article in Military Review, an independent research journal published by the U.S. Army.
"In many ways, AFRICOM is a post-Cold War experiment that radically rethinks security in
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U.S. AFRICOM Deputy Visits Liberia
12:00 AM12/20/2007
U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller, deputy to the commander for military operations for the newly formed U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), visited Monrovia, Liberia, December 18-19.
During the visit, Moeller participated in the
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AFRICOM Hosts Inaugural Meeting with Defense Attaches and Liaisons
12:00 AM12/14/2007
More than 100 U.S. government specialists working in Africa met December 13-14 in Germany for U.S. Africa Command's first conference for defense attaches and offices of defense cooperation and liaisons.
The Defense Attache and
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Creating Staff, not Finding Location, is AFRICOM's Goal, Deputy Says
12:00 AM12/5/2007
U.S. Africa Command is focused on creating a staff of specialists to develop long-term relationships with African militaries, not on establishing presence on the African continent or responding to immediate crises, AFRICOM's civilian deputy
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Planning Starts in Kenya for 24-Nation Communications Exercise
12:00 AM12/4/2007
Communications experts from 24 nations have gathered in Nairobi December 4-6 to begin initial planning for Africa Endeavor 2008 (AE '08), a collaborative information sharing and military communications interoperability exercise. AE '08 is
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U.S. AFRICOM Commander to Meet with Regional Oganizations
12:00 AM12/3/2007
Army Gen. William E. "Kip" Ward, commander of the newly formed U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), has announced plans to visit the headquarters of two of Africa's five regional economic communities Dec. 3-6.
During the visit,
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AFRICOM Staff Discusses African HIV/AIDS on U.N. Day
12:00 AM12/1/2007
HIV/AIDS is a significant problem in Africa and will be a major challenge for United States Africa Command, AFRICOM staff members said during an awareness meeting that coincided with the annual World AIDS Day on December 1.
More than
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Director of Intelligence and Knowledge Directorate Named
12:00 AM11/28/2007
The Secretary of the Army announced November 27 that Mr. Terrance M. Ford has been selected to be the first director of the command's Intelligence and Knowledge Directorate. Mr. Ford is currently serving as the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff
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AFRICOM Co-Deputies Brief Press in Nigeria
12:00 AM11/28/2007
Capacity building with African States is the primary objective of U.S. Africa Command, U.S. Vice Admiral Robert Moeller, Deputy to the Commander for Military Operations U.S. AFRICOM said November 28 in Abuja. Vice Admiral Moeller and his civilian
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Africa Command Pledges to Partner with Other U.S. Agencies
12:00 AM11/20/2007
The military's unified command responsible for engagement activities across Africa will work in tandem with other U.S. government agencies to assist partner nations there to confront poverty, disease, terrorism and other challenges, a senior
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New Africa Command will Promote Security, Spur Development
12:00 AM11/15/2007
Helping Africans confront security challenges in their region long has been a priority of the United States, say senior U.S. officials. But the military's new Africa Command (AFRICOM) also will prove an essential tool in continuing an equally
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AFRICOM Helps Partners Confront Stability Challenges
12:00 AM11/15/2007
The U.S. military's unified command responsible for operations across Africa will help nations there confront poverty, disease, terrorism and other challenges that affect regional security and stability, U.S. officials said here yesterday.
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Testimony to the House Armed Services Committee Statement for the Record
12:00 AM11/14/2007
Mr. Chairman, Congressman Hunter, distinguished Members of the Committee -- thank you for the opportunity to be here today. I am deeply honored to be appearing before you in my position as the Commander, United States Africa Command. It is rare
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AFRICOM's General Ward Visits African Union
12:00 AM11/8/2007
Making his first official trip as commander of United States Africa Command, General William E. "Kip" Ward visited the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he told reporters November 8 that he came to "explain what
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Diplomat, Admiral become Co-Deputies of U.S. Africa Command
12:00 AM10/29/2007
An American ambassador and a Navy admiral have begun serving as co-deputies of United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), a unique arrangement designed to enhance military support for U.S. government programs throughout Africa.
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Africa Command Gives High Priority to Maritime Security
12:00 AM10/24/2007
Maritime security, which has long been overshadowed by other coalition missions in African nations, will be a top priority for the newly created U.S. Africa Command, a senior Defense Department policymaker said October 24.
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AFRICOM Won't Change Defense Department Security Policy in Africa
12:00 AM10/18/2007
The new U.S. unified command being established for Africa will consolidate Defense Department efforts on the continent, but will not change the department's long-standing policy of partnership with African nations, the department official in
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Navy Mission to Set Tone for U.S. Africa Command
12:00 AM10/15/2007
USS Fort McHenry is slated to leave Little Creek, Va., tomorrow for a seven-month deployment to the Gulf of Guinea that the chief of U.S. Africa Command said will exemplify how his new command will operate.
The amphibious dock landing
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New U.S. Command To Take Broad, Inclusive Approach to Africa
12:00 AM10/12/2007
The new U.S. regional military command for Africa, an integrated defense, diplomatic and economic organization, will enhance U.S. efforts to advance security and prosperity in Africa, U.S. officials say.
In contrast to traditional
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Africa Command Works to Become Effective
12:00 AM10/5/2007
The stand-up of U.S. Africa Command is a testament to the growing geopolitical importance of the continent. But while the command is operational, it has a long way to go to be effective, Pentagon officials said. Africa Command, which went
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