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Generals from Ghana, U.S. Make Friendly, Cross-Cultural Bet on World Cup

12:00 AM6/26/2010
When the United States takes on Ghana in the World Cup June 26, 2010, two military generals will be watching with extra interest.

Lieutenant General Peter A. Blay, chief of defence staff for the Ghana Armed Forces, and Major General
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U.S. Army Africa chaplains mentor Namibian counterparts on HIV/AIDS counseling

12:00 AM6/25/2010
When it comes to talking with military members and their families about facing terminal illness, the U.S. Army often relies upon the skills and training of its chaplains and enlisted chaplain's assistants.

Recently, two U.S. Army
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Nigeria: Gen. Agwai awarded international peace and security award

12:00 AM6/25/2010

Nigeria's former Chief of Army Staff, General Martin Luther Agwai, was awarded the "Visionary Award" by the US-based Africa Center for Strategic Studies at a ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal, June 23, 2010.

The Africa Center for
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Mission to Africa

12:00 AM6/25/2010
Week two of being underway on the Coast Guard Cutter Mohawk, we are still cruising along in the Atlantic very excited to reach land and our first port call. This week, we are preparing for our port calls and painting the main passageway. Taping
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Plans underway for fourth year of Africa Partnership Station

12:00 AM6/24/2010
The international naval collaboration designed to assist African nations with maritime safety and security threats – the Africa Partnership Station (APS) – brought with it several "firsts" in the past year, and planners hope 2011 will be no
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New Commander Takes Reins of Air Forces Africa

12:00 AM6/24/2010
Air Forces Africa will receive a new commander at 9 a.m. June 28, 2010, in a change-of-command ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.

Brigadier General Margaret H. Woodward will take charge of the organization, also known as 17th Air
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Benin Works with Local, Regional Organizations for Disaster Response Exercise

12:00 AM6/24/2010
Following three days of preparation and briefings, participants of U.S. Africa Command's West Africa Pandemic Disaster Response Exercise began the collaborative portion of the exercise, testing their ability to work together as a nation and as
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APS Main Planning Conference Kicks Off

12:00 AM6/24/2010
PARIS – More than 200 military, government and civilian personnel from 21 African countries, six European countries and the United States met in Paris, June 22, to begin planning for Africa Partnership Station (APS) initiatives to take place in
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States' Carson Warns Against U.S. Military Strikes in Africa

12:00 AM6/23/2010
Unilateral U.S. military action against security threats in Africa would do more harm than good, the State Department's top envoy in Africa said at a security conference in Lisbon, June 22, 2010.

Instead, the key to security in
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AFRICOM West Africa Pandemic Response Exercise Kicks Off in Benin

12:00 AM6/23/2010
A nation's military plays a key role in the response to a medical or humanitarian crisis such as a pandemic, said experts at U.S. Africa Command's West Africa Pandemic Disaster Response table top exercise, June 21, 2010 in Cotonou,
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Preparing for Medical Response to Disasters

12:00 AM6/22/2010
Should disaster strike in East Africa, a growing partnership between U.S. Army Africa and Kenya’s military designed to improve medical preparedness could help avert crisis.

Lt. Col. John Casey, U.S. Army Africa’s deputy surgeon,
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AFRICOM Congratulates Graduating Seniors

12:00 AM6/22/2010
Throughout the last two months seniors from around the world achieved their 12-year goal of graduating high school. Experiencing lasting friendships, first dates, exams and sports competitions, young men and women have struggled through and
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Benin Officers Prepare for Pandemic Disaster Response Exercise

12:00 AM6/22/2010
COTONOU, Benin - Officers of Benin's Armed Forces discussed the importance of providing military support to civilian authorities in the occurrence of a pandemic disaster during a conference June 19, 2010 in Cotonou, Benin.
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Readout of Secretary Clinton's Meeting with President Thabo Mbeki and SRSG Haile Menkerios

12:00 AM6/18/2010
AFRICOM PAO Note: The readout of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's meeting is being posted on the U.S. Africa Command website in the interest of explaining U.S. foreign policy with African nations. The role of U.S. Africa Command
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Combating Desertification and Drought in Africa

12:00 AM6/17/2010
In recognition of the United Nations (UN)-designated "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought," June 17, 2010, a U.S. Africa Command senior Meteorological and Oceanographic
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AFRICOM Deputy Discusses Maritime Security, Drug Trafficking, Illegal Fishing at New Cape Verde Ops Center

12:00 AM6/16/2010
A U.S.-funded maritime security and counter-narcotics center in the Atlantic island nation of Cape Verde is being staffed by Cape Verdeans, not U.S. personnel, and is hoped to serve as a model for future interagency coordination centers in other
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Wanted: Lifesavers. No experience Necessary!

12:00 AM6/16/2010
There will be a Stuttgart Community Blood drive on Thursday, 1 July 2010, at the Kelley Fitness Center, Kelley Barracks from 1000-1500 hours.

Please share this information with your unit leaders/service members, friends, co-workers,
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Seabees Improve Living Quarters at Camp Lemonnier

12:00 AM6/16/2010
Seabees from NMCB 7 Detachment Horn of Africa (HOA) are improving living conditions for service members assigned to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.

SNMCB 7 Detachment Horn of Africa (HOA) departed Gulfport, Mississippi on February 5, 2010
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Statement on Escape of Sudanese Convicted of Killing Aid Workers

12:00 AM6/14/2010
(AFRICOM PAO NOTE: Following is a statement made by Philip J. Crowley, Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, U.S. Department of State, June 11, 2010. It is posted on U.S. AFRICOM's website to promote public awareness of U.S. policy in
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Chairman’s Corner: Happy Birthday Army!

12:00 AM6/14/2010
Following is a message from Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

For 235 years, the United States Army has truly been the strength of our nation. And today, I believe it is the best it has ever been.
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