Update on Implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 on Libya
12:00 AM3/24/2011
The following are remarks from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, regaring implementing UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 in Libya.
Good evening. I'm just returning from the White House, where I met
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U.S. Plans Transition to Support Role for Libya Operations
12:00 AM3/23/2011
Although the United States has played a prominent role in the first phase of the international coalition's military activities in Libya, the Obama administration said the U.S. contribution will be diminishing as other members of the coalition
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Coalition Partners Assume More Responsibility in Libya
12:00 AM3/23/2011
Coalition task force operations in Libya continue to go well, and partner nations are picking up more of the workload, the chief of staff of Joint Task Force Odyssey Dawn told reporters March 23, 2011.
"Our efforts have been going
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Gates Discusses Libya, Middle East Turmoil
12:00 AM3/23/2011
Operations in Libya and instability in the Middle East dominated a news conference with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates in Cairo March 23, 2011.
Gates met with reporters after a meeting with Prime Minister Essam Sharaf and other
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Pentagon Tallies Coalition Actions in Libya
12:00 AM3/23/2011
By the fifth day of coalition task force operations supporting a no-fly zone in Libya and protecting Libyan civilians, the 13-nation alliance had flown more than 300 sorties in the North African country, Pentagon officials said March 23, 2011.
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The President on Libya: "We Have Already Saved Lives"
12:00 AM3/22/2011
Note: The following is a White House blog concerning President Barack Obama's responses to questions concerning Libya during a recent trip to Latin America.
As he has in previous stops during his trip to Latin America, the
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US Air Force F-15E Incident in Libya; Crew Safe
12:00 AM3/22/2011
Two crew members ejected from their U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle when the aircraft experienced equipment malfunction over northeast Libya, March 21, 2011 at approximately 10:30 p.m. CET.
Both crew members ejected and are safe.
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TRANSCRIPT: Update by Admiral Locklear, III, on Operation Odyssey Dawn
12:00 AM3/22/2011
During a Pentagon news brief, March 22, 2011, Admiral Samuel J. Locklear, III, provided an update on Operation Odyssey Dawn and the U.S. F-15 aircraft that went down in Libya. The complete transcript is provided below.
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AFRICOM Town Hall Minutes
12:00 AM3/22/2011
-Chief of Staff Introduction, Lt Col Weaver
-Chief of Staff, MG Sherlock opens the Town Hall meeting with positive remarks with the outcome of ---AFRICOM personnel and family members.
-Mr. Tim Andersen, Chief of Shared
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Libyan Airstrikes Needed to Prevent Humanitarian Catastrophe
12:00 AM3/21/2011
President Obama's national security adviser says actions taken by an international coalition against the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi are necessary to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.
National Security Adviser Tom
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Gates: Military Effort in Libya One Part of Solution
12:00 AM3/21/2011
As the United States and its coalition partners establish the no-fly zone they hope will keep Moammar Gadhafi from "slaughtering his own people," military forces are just one way to bring stability to Libya, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said
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AFRICOM DIALOGUE: Participants of Tanzania Pandemic Disaster Response Exercise Provide Feedback
12:00 AM3/21/2011
In early March 2011, more than 100 Tanzanian civilian and military representatives along with experts from international agencies came together in Arusha to assess the Tanzanian government's disaster response plan.
The exercise
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Second APS East Hub Begins in Mauritius
12:00 AM3/21/2011
USS Stephen W. Groves (FFG 29) joined the second training "Hub" of 2011 as part of Africa Partnership Station (APS) East in Port Louis, Mauritius, which began March 21, 2011.
Sailors and embarked international staff will hold various
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Robert G. Bradley Begins Exercise Obangame Express
12:00 AM3/21/2011
USS Robert G. Bradley (FFG 49) pulled into Limbre, Cameroon, to participate in exercise Obangame Express, March 21, 2011.
Obangame Express is a maritime exercise that focuses on the Gulf of Guinea region with representatives from
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TRANSCRIPT: General Ham Briefs Pentagon Press on Operation Odyssey Dawn
12:00 AM3/21/2011
General Carter Ham, commander of U.S. Africa Command, provided updates on operations in Libya during a Pentagon briefing March 21, 2011. Speaking via satellite from the U.S. AFRICOM headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, Ham discussed Operation
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President Says U.S. Part of Broad Coalition in Libya
12:00 AM3/21/2011
U.S. military actions in Libya are being conducted as part of a broad multinational coalition and in direct support of a United Nations mandate designed to set conditions for other coalition partners to play larger roles enforcing the no-fly zone
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Gadhafi's Troops Retreat From Benghazi
12:00 AM3/21/2011
Forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi are retreating from the opposition stronghold of Benghazi following coalition attacks to protect Libyan civilians over the weekend, Army General Carter F. Ham said today.
Ham commands U.S. Africa Command
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Navy and Marine Corps Aircraft Strike Libya
12:00 AM3/20/2011
U.S. Navy EA-18G Growlers positioned in coalition military bases and U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harriers aboard the USS Kearsarge (LHD3) launched during the early hours in support of Operation Odyssey Dawn to enforce U.N. Security Council Resolution
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Coalition Answers Libyan People's Call, Flournoy Says
12:00 AM3/20/2011
Operation Odyssey Dawn is a coalition effort responding to the calls of the Libyan people, Arab nations and the international community as a whole, the undersecretary of defense for policy said today.
In a BBC interview, Michele
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Strikes Degrade Libya's Defenses, but Threats Remain
12:00 AM3/20/2011
While the attacks on Libya's integrated air and missile defense system have been successful, thousands of anti-aircraft artillery emplacements and portable missile launchers still pose threats to coalition air crews, the director of the Joint
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