AFRICOM Town Hall Minutes

-Chief of Staff Introduction, Lt Col Weaver <br /> <br />-Chief of Staff, MG Sherlock opens the Town Hall meeting with positive remarks with the outcome of ---AFRICOM personnel and family members. <br /> <br />-Mr. Tim Andersen, Chief of Shared

By US AFRICOM Public Affairs U.S. AFRICOM Public Affairs STUTTGART, Germany Mar 22, 2011
-Chief of Staff Introduction, Lt Col Weaver

-Chief of Staff, MG Sherlock opens the Town Hall meeting with positive remarks with the outcome of ---AFRICOM personnel and family members.

-Mr. Tim Andersen, Chief of Shared Services provided the following updates for Facilities Management

• 3322 (Old Kelley Chapel) is now the Multi-Purpose Center. It will serve as the alternate JOC; it has a multi-functional main floor; and OPLOG FUOPS offices are in the basement.

• 3316 (Above Commissary) will house OutReach Directorate and Foreign Liaison Officer cooperation center.

• 3309 will house C4S Directorate once renovations are complete.

• 3312 Satellite Medical Annex will be placed next to the Community mail room.

• 3300 (Above Kelley Club) Will be the new SATO office.

• New Automatic Car wash is to be placed on Kelley at the North end of the main Parking.

There are plans to put an outdoor track by the baseball field area. This project will start in the Spring and it should be finished by the Fall.

-Mrs. Tracey Whitfield, AFRICOM FRG Leader

• AFRICOM FRG needs more volunteers and participants within the Command. FRG has a great Steering Committee, but they can’t do it all.

• Ms. Trudie Lara-Smith the AFRICOM Family readiness support assistant provides a monthly newsletter to all AFRICOM. This newsletter includes FRG and Garrison events along with situational awareness for AFRICOM families.

• We have also started an AFRICOM FRG Facebook account where the AFRICOM family and friends can be found.

• For more information or to get involved with your FRG please see your FRG representative for your Directorate which is also listed in the items I listed before.
-COL Bird, Garrison Commander. I have just a few announcements concerning you and your families First I would like to thank you all for coming.

• Robinson Barracks (RB), There are some family items that interrupt the German emergency frequencies. These items can prevent emergency dispatches on Robinson Barracks.

800-900 MHz / 1.8-2.4 GHz items such as Baby Monitors, Remote Control cars, Cordless phones (Uniden, VTEC specifically) so please pay attention to the voltage to ensure safety for our families and keep your family from getting a serious fine from the Germans.

• German authorities will be allowed onto RB to investigate, and there could be severe fines in accordance with German Law for those who have illegal equipment.

• Interactive Customer Evaluations (ICE)

Please fill out an ICE whether it is a great experience or a not so great experience. Believe it or not, I personally read each and every comment and I enjoy discussing these matters with you. If it is a concern for you it is a concern for me. Don’t forget to fill out those cards when you want to recognize those who also make your day and experience a good one. We recognize those employees with an awards ceremony. So fill out those ICE cards.

• Due to Budgetary constraints and federal hiring freeze, Garrison is in a challenging situation with civilian whose orders are up and sometimes their positions won't be re-filled.

• Garrison Information-flow options: Citizen Newspaper, Garrison website, Facebook page off of the Garrison website, AFN Channel 2.

• All are invited to Garrison Tenant Meetings; dates/times are promulgated to commands via e-mail

-COL Connell, Stuttgart Health Clinic CDR

• There will be a Kelley Medical Annex opening on or about 28 March. It will be open 4 days a week for half Days at first (M-Th, 0800-1200). It will be for Active duty Service Members and for space available appointments for Tri-Care eligible Civilians.

It will not have all of the capabilities that Patch has such as X-rays (it will have a limited pharmacy). This will be for acute appointments only (i.e. sick call type issues). There will be 120 and 180 day assessments on the demand signal, so make sure we utilize the services to show that Kelley is worthy of this Annex! Note: Children won't be seen at the Annex during this initial 180 assessment period.

• Please remember that neither the Annex nor the Stuttgart (Patch) Clinic can accommodate emergencies. If you have an emergency call an ambulance at 112 or the Military Police emergency line 116.

• To make an appointment, call the Central Appt. desk located in Heidelberg, DSN 371-2622. Ask for an appt. at either Patch Medical Clinic or Kelley Medical Annex.

• Also, No show appointments affect the whole community not just the person that does not show (we’re averaging 15-20 no-shows daily). It keeps someone that needed an appointment that day from being seen and the person that does not show up for the appointment needs to make another appointment. Please keep the appointments that are made and contact the clinic immediately if you are unable to make that appointment so that arrangements can be made to fill your slot. Last 90-days worth of no-shows cost over $230,000! AFRICOM will be starting to track no-shows and notifying directorate leadership.

• Please take time to fill out the DOD-Medical survey forms you are sent (either in the mail or on-line). The results from these surveys equates to funding for the clinic.


• Can we have a Teen Center on Kelley like what Patch Offers?
A: It is currently in the works to have a Teen Center that will be located at the Old TMP building.

• When will the renovation of the Kelley Fitness Center begin?
A: A plan is in the works, but not a priority project right now. Probably a few years away.

• Will there be a Chapel at Kelley Barracks?
A: There are currently no plans on having a Chapel at Kelley Barracks.

• Can the US mail box at the old Shoppette be moved to the New Shoppette.
A: Mailbox has been moved to the new Shoppette.

• Can we have a Library drop box on Kelley?
A: Garrison will check to see if one can be placed here.

• Can we also have a drop box for Movies at the Shoppette. When the Shoppette closes there is nowhere to drop off movies?
A: Rental Movie Drop Box has been installed at the Kelley Shopette.

• Why is the Clinic closed on Fridays?
A: It is mandatory for training in accordance with US Army Europe policy. We can look into other solutions for the training day and times.

• Why do parents have to go in person each year to register their children for school?
A: Attached to the e-mail is an announcement for Online Student Pre-Registration Application.

• Can we have a post office open on Saturday?
A: Garrison will check to see if one can be opened or not due to funding.

• Can the Garrison put a banner at the bottom of AFN channels updating weather information or can you put another Inclement Weather hotline in?
A: Unable to do that on AFN, it has been looked into.

• Can Military shuttle bus hours be extended to accommodate later runs between Kelley and Patch for kids (especially on the weekends).
A: Unable to extend the hours due to funding.

• Can you provide WIFI on all the installations or at least a central location like the Internet Café?
A: Garrison will check into the locations provided and access the locations.

• Is there something being done about parking on Kelley?
A: Parking is an issue on every installation and the Garrison and AFRICOM consistently work together for a solution. It has been discussed that we put No parking signs in the areas that are prohibited. There are approximately 1,000 parking spaces on Kelley, with over 1,500 Kelley employees. You are encouraged to utilize Stuttgart’s very efficient Mass Public Transit system and/or car pool.

• Kelley residents that have elementary and middle school age kids attend Robinson Barracks. If they want to attend any after school activities there is no shuttle for the kids to take from RB to Kelley. Can the Garrison accommodate a shuttle for the younger kids to be able to participate without the kids getting on a second bus? It is too confusing for our younger kids.
A: DODDS has added an after-school activities late bus from RB to Kelley.

• 1115 Closing remarks from MG Sherlock and COL Bird.

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