State Partnerships Program

Count: 4


U.S. and Cabo Verde sign a memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation

12:00 AM12/15/2022
Leaders cited the growing U.S.-Cabo Verdean defense relationship, emphasizing maritime security cooperation and Cabo Verde's recent inclusion in the State Partnership Program
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State Partnership Program critical to security cooperation in 93 countries

12:00 AM4/12/2022
What began with 13 partnerships in 1993 is now up to 87 partnerships with 93 countries (as of April 12, 2022), the SPP is guided by foreign policy goals to support combatant commanders and chiefs of mission.
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New Hampshire National Guard, Cabo Verde become AFRICOM's latest state partners

12:00 AM2/4/2022
The signing ceremony marked the 16th State Partnership among the U.S. and African nations.
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Indiana National Guard trains Nigerien military mechanics

12:00 AM9/1/2021
Indiana National Gurad and Forces Armees Nigeriennes complete two-week knowledge exchange to build mechanical skills.
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