Count: 7


North Carolina National Guard Welcomes New Zambian Partnership

8:17 AM5/13/2024
North Carolina National Guard leaders join fellow U.S. Military and Zambian leaders at a State Partnership Program Signing Ceremony, Livingstone, Zambia, April 26, 2024. The leaders were invited to the ceremony as part of the NCNG’s expansion joining the Republic of Zambia and the Republic of Malawi in their State Partnership Program, a National Guard Bureau initiative joining individual state National Guards and host nations as part of U.S. security cooperation and international civil-military affairs.
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Leadership by example: AFRICOM hosts senior enlisted conference

1:29 PM8/29/2022
Participants used the forum to discuss security cooperation, and the importance of leadership and professional military education.
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State Partnership Program critical to security cooperation in 93 countries

12:00 AM4/12/2022
What began with 13 partnerships in 1993 is now up to 87 partnerships with 93 countries (as of April 12, 2022), the SPP is guided by foreign policy goals to support combatant commanders and chiefs of mission.
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Kentucky National Guard, Djibouti Demining Company train as part of State Partnership Program

9:33 AM9/10/2021
Kentucky National Guard engineers traveled more than 15,000 miles to Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, to conduct training with the Djiboutian military's Demining Company as part of the State Partnership Program from Aug. 19-29, 2021.
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Michigan and Liberia partner to reinforce the role of military legal advisors in promoting the rule of law

12:59 PM2/18/2021
LANSING, Mich. – While the spread of Coronavirus has left an indelible mark on nearly every area of modern life, these currents of change also have brought new opportunities to innovate, problem-solve, and grow. Legal professionals from the Michigan National Guard (MING) and the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) have together done just that by implementing a new program that deepens military adherence to the rule of law and facilitates military support to the prosecution of terrorists.
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Medical equipment donated to Lesotho at border station

10:30 AM6/26/2020
Department of Defense personnel assigned to the South African embassy delivered 12,000 medical grade face masks, 11,000 face shields and 256 thermometers to their counterparts from the U.S. embassy in the Kingdom of Lesotho.
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State Partnership Program

2:04 PM5/5/2014
The State Partnership Program is a key U.S. security cooperation tool that facilitates cooperation across all aspects of international civil-military affairs and encourages people-to-people ties at the state level.
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