National Guard

Count: 7


North Carolina National Guard Welcomes Malawi as Their New State Partners

8:18 AM5/13/2024
North Carolina National Guard leaders and leaders from Malawi participated in a State Partnership Signing Ceremony in Lilongwe, Malawi, April 27, 2024. The leaders joined fellow U.S. Military and Malawi officials at a signing ceremony as part of the North Carolina National Guard’s expansion bringing the Republic of Zambia and the Republic of Malawi into their State Partnership Program, a National Guard Bureau initiative joining individual state National Guards and host nations as part of U.S. security cooperation and international civil-military affairs.
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Leadership by example: AFRICOM hosts senior enlisted conference

1:29 PM8/29/2022
Participants used the forum to discuss security cooperation, and the importance of leadership and professional military education.
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New York Army National Guard Soldiers partner with South African military in Shared Accord 2022

12:00 AM7/13/2022
This year's iteration of Shared Accord, taking place in South Africa during June 2022, focuses on medical readiness and field training exercise to demonstrate interoperability and strengthen partnerships.
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Idaho National Guard participates in exercise African Lion ‘22

6:07 PM6/28/2022
During the two-week training in late June 2022, Moroccans and the Idaho National Guard learned how each unit uses its weapon platforms.
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NC Guard hosts African Military Law Forum Advisory Council

11:16 AM5/12/2022
The forum, running April 26-28, 2022, provided legal advisors from several nations a chance to share their expertise in international, operational, administrative and civil law.
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State Partnership Program critical to security cooperation in 93 countries

12:00 AM4/12/2022
What began with 13 partnerships in 1993 is now up to 87 partnerships with 93 countries (as of April 12, 2022), the SPP is guided by foreign policy goals to support combatant commanders and chiefs of mission.
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U.S., Kenya forces enhance partnership through integrated training

12:00 AM10/2/2021
The U.S. Army Soldiers, assigned to C Company, 1-102nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain), Task Force Iron Gray, CJTF-HOA, most recently completed urban rifle marksmanship training with Rangers assigned to the Kenya Defence Forces, in Manda Bay, Kenya, Oct. 2, 2021.
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