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USS Robert G. Bradley Strengthens Partnerships in Algeria

12:00 AM4/20/2009
USS Robert G. Bradley (FFG 49) arrived in Algiers April 18, 2009 for a two-day visit aimed at strengthening the maritime partnership between the United States and Algeria.

During the visit, the ship's crew will have a chance to
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U.S. Army Shares Logistics Tips with Officers in Botswana

12:00 AM4/16/2009
Members of a U.S. Army Africa team recently shared their knowledge of logistics with a group of officers from the Botswana Defense Force (BDF), according to a news release April 10, 2009.

The program, at a BDF camp in Gaborone,
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Partnering with South African Special Forces

12:00 AM4/16/2009
Soldiers from U.S. Army Africa and the U.S. Army Ranger Training Brigade got a taste of South African Special Forces (SASF) training during a recent visit to South Africa. Senior SASF leaders invited the American soldiers to discuss the development
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Hostage Captain was in 'Imminent Danger' at Time of Rescue

12:00 AM4/13/2009
(Editor's note: This article is republished from the American Forces Press Service. U.S. Africa Command did not have direct involvement in the rescue operations.)

The captain of the Maersk-Alabama cargo ship held hostage by pirates
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17th Air Force Vice Commander visits Rwanda, Ethiopia

12:00 AM4/13/2009
Departing Ramstein with the goal of "going to listen," Seventeenth Air Force (Air Forces Africa) Vice Commander Brigadier General Mike Callan visited Rwanda and Ethiopia on a senior leader engagement March 24-28, 2009.

In addition to
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Navy Crew Arrives to Assess Pirate Situation

12:00 AM4/10/2009
(Editor's Note: This article by the Office of the Secretary of Defense is republished on the U.S. Africa Command website to promote public understanding of piracy in Africa.)

Pirates still hold the captain of the Maersk Alabama on
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Pirate Hostage's Safe Return is Primary Concern, U.S. Officials Say

12:00 AM4/10/2009
The safe return of the American maritime captain being held captive by pirates off the coast of Somalia is of primary importance, senior U.S. officials said April 9, 2009 at the annual Australia-U.S. Ministerial.

Following ministerial
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Joint Forces Five plays Djibouti High School in Basketball

12:00 AM4/9/2009
Faculty and students of the Lycee D' Etat High School in Djibouti City, Djibouti, showed their school spirit April 6, 2009 while attending a basketball game between the Djiboutian and U.S. service members stationed at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti.
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Ward Speaks at West Point Diversity Conference

12:00 AM4/9/2009
Army diversity policy was unveiled at the U.S. Military Academy and West Point Association of Graduates' 10th annual Diversity Leadership Conference, April 2-4, 2009.

An Army policy memorandum on diversity signed April 1 by
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WARD SENDS: A Tribute to Our Children

12:00 AM4/9/2009

During April, the "Month of the Military Child," I ask you to pay special attention to our most precious members of our community -- our children who provide unconditional love and support to our military/civilian
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British and American Soldiers Partner to Build Capacity in Rwanda

12:00 AM4/8/2009
Soldiers from U.S. Army Africa continue to build noncommissioned officer capacity in Rwanda through a partnership effort with British counterparts.

During a recent visit to Rwanda, senior U.S. Army Africa NCOs met with British and
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U.S. Africa Command, Air Forces Africa Share Ideas at Air University

12:00 AM4/6/2009
Air University, U.S. Africa Command and the 17th Air Force kicked off a symposium March 31, 2009 to foster recommendations for the U.S. Air Force's involvement in U.S. Africa Command.

The 17th Air Force, also known as U.S. Air
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DoD Dental Team Builds Relationships in Cameroon

12:00 AM4/6/2009
More than 200 patients were treated by a Department of Defense (DoD) dental team during a consultation and hygiene workshop at the Regional Hospital April 3, 2009 as part of the Africa Partnership Station (APS) Nashville's two-week port visit
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USS Nashville Visits Cameroon for APS Mission

12:00 AM4/2/2009
USS Nashville (LPD 13) arrived in Limbe, Cameroon on April 1, 2009 to conduct a two-week port visit as part of the ongoing Africa Partnership Station (APS) initiative. During the visit, the APS team will conduct engagements both afloat and
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Yates Discusses African Union, Africa Command Partnership During VOA Interview

12:00 AM4/1/2009
U.S. Africa Command's civilian deputy praised the accomplishments of the African Union in promoting peace and stability during a media interview at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, March 25, 2009.

Following meetings
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U.S. to Run for Election to the UN Human Rights Council

12:00 AM4/1/2009
(Editor's note: The following press release by the U.S. Department of State is provided to further public understanding of U.S. foreign policy. U.S. Africa Command plays a subordinate role to the State Department in supporting U.S.
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U.S. Horn of Africa Personnel Dive for Aircraft Wreckage in Lake Victoria

12:00 AM3/31/2009
Service members from U.S. Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa have located the wreckage of an Ilyshin II 76 aircraft that crashed in Lake Victoria and are conducting diving operations to retrieve information.

The contracted
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Camp Lemonier Takes Part in Safety Day Activities

12:00 AM3/30/2009
Service members forward deployed at Camp Lemonnier gathered for the Camp's quarterly Safety Day, March 27, 2009.

The safety committee, made up of volunteers around Camp, took ownership of this project and started the planning
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WARD SENDS: U.S. Africa Command Celebrates Women's History Month

12:00 AM3/30/2009

On the occasion of Women’s History Month, we at Africa Command are proud to honor the contributions of women around the world.

I wish to recognize all women who serve our country, those who provide support and
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Protecting Fishing Part of Maritime Security, Africa Command Deputy Says

12:00 AM3/30/2009
Meeting with Ghanaian fishermen and West African navy personnel, U.S. Africa Command's civilian deputy, Ambassador Mary C. Yates, stressed that maritime security includes protecting fishing grounds and building partnerships between militaries
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