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First USARAF Reserve Sourcing Conference a Success

12:00 AM7/20/2010
"We cannot do our mission without you and your troops supporting the command," Major General David Hogg, commander of U.S. Army Africa (USARAF) told visiting Army Reserve representatives who attended the first USARAF - United States Army
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Kenyans Show Appreciation for Expansion of Primary School

12:00 AM7/16/2010
About 300 children from 10 surrounding villages took part in a celebration at the Gadeni Primary School July 12, 2010. The Gadeni School Choir, Baptist Choir and other groups from every village were in the celebrating mood, dancing, playing their
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Kenyans Show Appreciation for Expansion of Primary School

12:00 AM7/16/2010
About 300 children from 10 surrounding villages took part in a celebration at the Gadeni Primary School July 12, 2010. The Gadeni School Choir, Baptist Choir and other groups from every village were in the celebrating mood, dancing, playing their
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Refugees Rediscover Homeland, Rebuild Hope in Southern Sudan

12:00 AM7/16/2010
Flashbacks to the anguishing months he spent as a child fleeing across the desert to reach a refugee camp forced into his memory as he anticipated his flight's arrival in Sudan. He had waited 20 years for this day.

After fleeing
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Donations Requested

12:00 AM7/15/2010
Are you PCS'ing this summer?

PLEASE bring your donations to the Pfennig donation room in Building 3312 right next to the Laundromat on Kelley Barracks.

ALL donations, big and small, everything is accepted.
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Socio-Cultural Research and Advisory Team adds Community Perspective to CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM7/15/2010
A team of civilian specialists is enhancing military operations in East Africa by providing their insights in support of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) mission.

The Socio-Cultural Research and Advisory Team (SCRAT) is based at the
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Out and About in Baden Wurttemberg

12:00 AM7/15/2010
Find out what is going on in Southern Germany! Click Below!
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Socio-Cultural Research and Advisory Team Adds Community Perspective to CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM7/15/2010
A team of civilian specialists is enhancing military operations in East Africa by providing their insights in support of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) mission.

The Socio-Cultural Research and Advisory Team (SCRAT) is based at the
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Rwanda and U.S. Dedicate a Newly Expanded School Near Kigali City

12:00 AM7/14/2010
Rwanda and the United States partnered in expanding the Masaka Secondary School near Kigali City and celebrated with a school dedication July 9, 2010. With more than 250 students in attendance, the dedication was symbolic of a successful joint
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AFRICOM Academic Symposium Begins in Senegal

12:00 AM7/14/2010
More than 70 academics and regional experts in African security related issues gathered July 13, 2010 in Dakar for the fourth U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) Academic Symposium designed to help the command gain a better understanding of how it can
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U.S. Embassy Participates in Masaka School Dedication, Rwanda

12:00 AM7/14/2010
Charge d 'Affairs of the U.S. Embassy in Rwanda Anne Casper and the Mayor of Kicukiro District Jules Ndamage officially participated in a dedication of the newly renovated Masaka Secondary School in the Gasabo District of Kigali City, July 9,
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IKD-M Gets a Commander and Keeps Growing

12:00 AM7/13/2010
Major General Michael Snodgrass, chief of staff for U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), presided over a transfer of authority and assumption of command ceremony conducted at Royal Air Force Molesworth, England, July 7 2010.

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African Union Press Release - Twin bombings in Kampala, Uganda

12:00 AM7/13/2010
The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Dr. Jean Ping, has learnt with great concern the news of the twin blasts that hit Kampala, Uganda, in the night of 11 July 2010, claiming the lives of numerous innocent victims. The Chairperson of
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U.S. and Angola Sign Strategic Partnership Dialogue Agreement

12:00 AM7/12/2010
The United States and Angola have signed the U.S.-Angola Strategic Partnership Dialogue, which formalizes increased bilateral partnerships in energy, security, trade and democracy promotion. The agreement also paves the way for expanded cooperation
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Patch Barracks Technology Exposition

12:00 AM7/12/2010
The summer Patch Barracks/Stuttgart Area Technology Exposition will be held on Wednesday 28 July from 1300 – 1600 and Thursday 29 July from 1000 – 1400 at the Patch Fitness Center. The event is being hosted by U.S. European Command's J-6
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Ms. Bronwyn Bruton discusses "A New Approach" to Somalia

12:00 AM7/9/2010

Ms. Bronwyn Bruton discusses "A New Approach" to Somalia


Who: Ms. Bronwyn Bruton

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Stuttgart Youth Volunteer Services

12:00 AM7/9/2010

My name is Brandon Proudfoot. I am currently a summer hire at Army Community Service (ACS). I am the project manager volunteer, for the youth summer volunteer program.
I am a military dependent child of a member who is currently
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CJTF-HOA Rifle Team Prepares for Kenya Rifle Competition

12:00 AM7/9/2010
Members of the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Rifle Team are setting their sights on excellence as they prepare to compete in the 2010 Kenya Armed Forces Rifle Championship (AFRC).

The AFRC, sponsored by the Kenyan
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DoD Allies with Zambia to Improve Health, Education

12:00 AM7/9/2010
Around the world, brave men and women serve in their national armed forces, trained and ready to take on, at a moment’s notice, threats to their homeland.

But sometimes that threat doesn’t come in the form of weapons and soldiers. It
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Troops in Africa Get a Taste of Home for the Fourth of July

12:00 AM7/9/2010
While many Americans were celebrating Independence Day in their back yards grilling, 15 cooks packed up their steaks and spices and came out to Africa.

Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ) troops were treated July 4th to steaks cooked by
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