Training to be Heroes
12:00 AM11/15/2011
Photo story by U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Renae Saylock
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Kansas National Guard Discovers, Aids Nature
12:00 AM11/14/2011
As the hot, African sun beat down on U.S. service members stationed at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, a studious focus was evident as they quietly listened to the history of what is commonly known here as the "Cheetah Refuge."
"The actual
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Kansas National Guard Discovers, Aids Nature
12:00 AM11/14/2011
As the hot, African sun beat down on U.S. service members stationed at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, a studious focus was evident as they quietly listened to the history of what is commonly known here as the "Cheetah Refuge."
"The actual
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2011 AFRICOM Holiday Party
12:00 AM11/14/2011
What: 2011 AFRICOM Holiday Party
Where: Sindelfingen Stadthalle
When: 10 December, 2011
Cocktails - 1700-1800
Dinner - 1840-2000
Program, festivities and music - 2000-midnight
See your directorate
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US, International Forces Commemorate Veterans Day in Africa
12:00 AM11/11/2011
A photo essay by U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sergeant Marc I. Lane.
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Kenyan, US Chaplains Continue to Strengthen Chaplaincy Programs
12:00 AM11/10/2011
A Kenyan Ministry of State for Defense chaplain recently spent three weeks exchanging best practices with Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa and Camp Lemonnier chaplains from multiple faiths to strengthen each other's military
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Djiboutians, Coalition, US Members Take Part in Djibouti Pride
12:00 AM11/10/2011
Hundreds of Djiboutian, coalition and U.S. service members, as well as local residents, came together outside the Camp Lemonnier fence line to clean up the area, November 5.
Participants collected and removed trash from the
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Botswana Troops Get Up Close and Personal with Wildlife before Anti-Poaching Missions
12:00 AM11/9/2011
The Botswana Defence Force numbers about 13,000 uniformed personnel, plus several lions, a couple of crocodiles, and a few hyenas and baboons. Not to mention the snakes.
Members of the Defence Force spend much of their time in the
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Botswana Intel Course Helps Protect Wildlife, Shows AFRICOM Role of Empowering African Militaries
12:00 AM11/9/2011
When the Botswana military conducted its first tactical intelligence course earlier this year, it was taught by U.S. soldiers. The second course, taking place in October through mid-November 2011, was being taught by a combination of U.S. personnel
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The Combined Federal Campaign- Overseas is Underway
12:00 AM11/9/2011
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas (CFC-O) which was founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1961. For the past several years, military and civilian personnel have raised money to help change the lives
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Teremi Boys and Chwele Girls Dedications
12:00 AM11/8/2011
More than 2,200 students celebrated the dedication of two new school dormitories, October 11, in Chwele, Kenya.
The dormitories, located in Mbungoma East District, are for the Teremi Boys and Chwele Girls Secondary schools. The boys’
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Defense Force Trains To Support UNAMID
12:00 AM11/7/2011
A photo essay by Staff Sergeant Jamie Baxter.
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Multinational Collaboration on Mortar Systems
12:00 AM11/7/2011
Photo Essay by U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Renae Saylock
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French, US Service Members Compete in Tin Cat
12:00 AM11/7/2011
5TH COMBINED OVERSEAS MARINES BATTALION, Djibouti - French and U.S. service members participated in the Tin Cat challenge, a physical competition that is unique to French Forces in Djibouti, at the French 5th Combined Overseas Marines Battalion,
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Lesotho hosts Africa Endeavor 2012 planning conference
12:00 AM11/7/2011
Defense representatives from more than 30 African nations joined together in Maseru, Lesotho, November 7-11, 2011, to participate in the initial planning conference for next year's Africa Endeavor.
Africa Endeavor is an annual
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Service Members Deliver Teddy Bears to Ugandan Children
12:00 AM11/4/2011
Service members from Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Forward Operation Location Kenyasi traveled to Suubi Children's Home in Entebbe, Uganda, to deliver stuffed animals October 15. Members of FOL Kenyasi volunteer at the children's
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Botswana Defence Force Combats HIV
12:00 AM11/4/2011
With assistance from the U.S. military, the Botswana Defence Force plays a leading role in helping to combat HIV/AIDS infection rates in the southern African country of 2 million people, where more than 20 percent of adults carry the deadly virus.
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Ugandan People's Defense Force Commander Visits U.S. Army Africa
12:00 AM11/3/2011
Lieutenant General Edward Katumba Wamala, land forces commander of the Uganda People's Defence Force, took part in a U.S. Army Africa (USARAF) command visit in October 2011.
Wamala engaged in a variety of activities throughout his
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Stuttgart Flag Football Team Takes Season and Tournament Championship.
12:00 AM11/3/2011
This week AFRICOM HQ won the Unit Level Regular Season and Tournament Flag Football Championship for the U.S. Army Garrison in Stuttgart, Germany.
The team finished the regular season with a 4-1 record, then rolled through the
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Nigerian Civilian and Military Personnel Collaborate on Pandemic Response Plan
12:00 AM11/2/2011
Approximately 70 civilian and military representatives from 22 agencies in Nigeria came together in Lagos for a weeklong exercise to prepare for a potential pandemic disaster response, October 24-28, 2011.
Following an afternoon of
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