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African Land Forces Summit: going farther together

12:00 AM3/25/2022
The goal of the African Land Forces Summit is to strengthen partnerships across Africa to improve regional and continent-wide security, as well as demonstrate to African partners that the U.S. is committed to their long-term success.
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Healthcare initiative supports Zambian military health clinics

12:00 AM3/25/2022
With the ECHO launch March 17, 2022, the Zambian military will be better equipped to support its service members, their families and the roughly 400,000 civilians living within the military health clinics’ catchment areas.
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Interceptor boats go to Moroccan Navy to fight maritime crime

12:00 AM3/24/2022
The two boats, transferred March 24, 2022, are aim to enhance the Royal Moroccan Navy’s capacity to stop illicit trafficking in regional waters as part of the broader military partnership between Morocco and the U.S.
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Justified Accord hones peacekeeping operations for over 20 countries

9:45 PM3/17/2022
The exercise, with participation from more than 800 personnel from the U.S. joint force, interagencies, African Union and NATO, focused on training to enhance peacekeeping operations in the region from Feb. 28 to March 18, 2022.
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U.S. Africa Command Special Operations Forces train alongside partners in Benin

12:00 AM3/16/2022
Special Operations Command Africa forces concluded a Joint Combined Exchange Training in Oussa, Benin, on March 16, 2022. The team partnered with members of the Benin 1st Commando Parachute Battalion to hone special operations skills.
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Bomber Task Force mission to West Africa exercises counter-illicit maritime capabilities

9:17 AM3/1/2022
Two U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress aircraft assigned to the 69th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, Royal Air Force Fairford, flew a Bomber Task Force mission to southeastern Mauritania and along the west coast of Africa, where aircrew and U.S. Coast Guard members aboard the aircraft exercised their ability to conduct counter-illicit maritime tracking efforts, Feb. 28, 2022.
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Army brigade provides vital life support services to Flintlock 2022

9:47 AM2/17/2022
The Flintlock exercise is designed to strengthen the ability of key partner nations in the region to counter violent extremist organizations, collaborate across borders and provide security for the people of Africa.
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Djibouti, U.S. strengthen partnership through medical knowledge exchange

9:26 AM2/10/2022
More than 40 U.S. service members from Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) and the Djiboutian Gendarmerie came together for a medical knowledge exchange of casualty care practices at the Gendarmerie compound in Djibouti City, Djibouti, Jan. 17- 20, 2022.
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Exercise Cutlass Express 2022 commences

12:00 AM2/6/2022
This year’s exercise leverages the recently adopted Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct, which 14 nations are signatories, as a framework for exercising information sharing practices and enforcing marine rule of law.
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New Hampshire National Guard, Cabo Verde become AFRICOM's latest state partners

12:00 AM2/4/2022
The signing ceremony marked the 16th State Partnership among the U.S. and African nations.
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SFAB Soldiers grow partnerships in Ghana through peacekeeping training exercise

10:29 AM2/3/2022
In January, U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade out of Fort Bragg, N.C., attended and supported a new training program for Ghana Armed Forces in Bundase, Ghana, as GAF soldiers prepare for an upcoming peacekeeping mission.
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U.S. Africa Command hosts Security Implications of Climate Change Symposium

10:05 PM2/2/2022
"When we look at climate change and how climate change impacts Africa, it's important we look at the full scope of how it affects societies, governments, and people," said U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen Kirk Smith, U.S. Africa Command Deputy Commander. "We clearly know that environmental change is a driver of instability, and we recognize that other entities - whether we call them competitors or adversaries - are going to take advantage of that [instability]."
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U.S. Coast Guard, partners conduct joint rescue of migrants in Atlantic

10:24 AM1/10/2022
On Jan. 5, 2022, the United States, Spain, and Morocco collaborated to rescue 103 migrants 40 nautical miles west of the Moroccan coast.
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U.S. Africa Command in 2021: Driving shared goals through engagement

9:48 AM12/30/2021
In 2021, U.S. Africa Command, with partners, strengthened relationships in Africa through sustained and effective engagement to advance a shared vision for regional security, stability and prosperity in Africa.
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U.S. Air Force's top non-commissioned officer visits Niger

12:00 AM12/23/2021
Bass met with U.S. Airmen and joint force mission partners to gain first-hand knowledge of how Airmen deter and defeat violent extremism in Sahel to enable a more secure, stable, and prosperous Africa.
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Response force hones capability in air-ground integration exercise

12:00 AM12/10/2021
The training included multiple air insertion and airborne operations involving Army paratroopers aboard U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Ospreys.
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U.S. donates isolation facilities in Botswana to support pandemic mitigation

10:27 AM12/9/2021
The two facilities, constructed through the U.S. Africa Command’s Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid program, will support critical pandemic mitigation efforts in the region.
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U.S. donates second C-130 to Niger to support enduring Sahel operations

12:00 AM12/7/2021
Niger received the first of the three scheduled C-130 aircraft deliveries by the U.S. in January 2021, and has employed the mobility platform for various humanitarian assistance operations and United Nations troop and vehicle movements.
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U.S. special operations forces train alongside partners in Senegal

12:00 AM11/19/2021
This training event was the third JCET this year in Senegal bolstering U.S. and Senegalese skills, cooperation, and interoperability.
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First Moroccan attends Swiss NCO course

11:06 AM11/10/2021
Strengthening the partnership and addressing common challenges are key tenants in U.S. Africa Command’s African Enlisted Development Strategy, which enabled Lazaar’s participation in the course that focused on non-commissioned officer development and leadership training in a multinational environment.
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