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African Students Learn the Truth about Security

10:11 AM11/8/2012
Students of the George C. Marshall Center's Program in Advanced Security Studies (PASS) visited U.S. Africa Command November 5, 2012, to learn more about the command's mission and objectives and to hear first-hand about its role in combating
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Eight Navies Complete East African Exercise Cutlass Express 2012

12:00 AM11/8/2012
Sailors and maritime professionals from eight nations wrapped up Exercise Cutlass Express 2012-2 (CE12-2) today after a week of multinational maritime events in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden, Nov. 1-8.

This year's exercise took
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African Students Learn the Truth about Security

12:00 AM11/7/2012
Students of the George C. Marshall Center's Program in Advanced Security Studies (PASS) visited U.S. Africa Command November 5, 2012, to learn more about the command's mission and objectives and to hear first-hand about its role in
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Cutlass Express 2012 Kicks-Off Throughout East Africa

12:00 AM11/2/2012
Sailors and civilian maritime professionals from eight nations officially kicked-off exercise Cutlass Express 2012-2 (CE12-2) during pre-sail conferences in Djibouti, Djibouti; Port Louis, Mauritius; and Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Nov. 1.
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Military Intelligence Course Builds Bonds Between U.S. and African Service Members

12:00 AM11/1/2012
Military Intelligence Non-Commission Officer Course- Africa II enhances capacity for intelligence collection, analysis, information sharing among the participating nations, and provides an environment designed to promote collaboration methods
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Ethiopia, U.S. Partners for Veterinarian Project

12:00 AM10/31/2012
Situated in the highlands overlooking Ethiopia's Rift Valley, the town of Hirna was the site of a Veterinary Civic Action Program Oct. 22-28, where district animal health workers received continuing veterinary education and local farmers'
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Camp Lemonnier Goes Green, Installs Solar Panels to Lower Energy Costs

12:00 AM10/29/2012
Service members on board Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, are one step closer to entering the renewable energy frontier now that workers have begun the first phase of installing solar-powered energy panels.

Sailors from Camp Lemonnier
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Special Delivery: Much-Needed Supplies Donated to Ali Sabieh Deaf School

12:00 AM10/26/2012
Service members from Camp Lemonnier's Friends of Africa Volunteers group partnered with Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa's Ali Sabieh, Djibouti, Joint Civil Affairs Team and the district's Volunteer Association of Education to
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General Ham Urges Cadets to Manage Change, Stay with Bedrock Values

12:00 AM10/24/2012
The U.S. military is a learning and growing entity, and young officers must be flexible enough to lead their organizations, the commander of U.S. Africa Command told ROTC cadets here on October 22, 2012.

Army General Carter F. Ham
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Symposium Preaches Djibouti Land, Maritime Security

12:00 AM10/23/2012
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency sponsored a symposium on counter illicit trafficking for select Djiboutian officials at the Kempinski Hotel, in Djibouti City, Djibouti, Oct. 15-18, 2012.

The symposium, coordinated by Combined
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Logistics Marines Try Out Their Infantry Brothers' Role During Training in Djibouti

12:00 AM10/22/2012

Non-infantry Marines mix it up with their infantry brothers in Djibouti, with both groups becoming more familiar with each other's roles in a Marine Air Ground Task Force.

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Letter to the Editor, Global Research - Response to "America's Secret War in Africa" and "Covert Ops In Nigeria"

12:00 AM10/22/2012
FROM: Colonel Tom Davis Director, U.S. Africa Command Office of Public Affairs Kelley Barracks, Stuttgart, Germany TO: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, President and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) Editor of
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Obama Nominates Rodriguez as Next Africa Command Chief

12:00 AM10/19/2012

President Obama has nominated Army General David M. Rodriguez to succeed Army General Carter F. Ham as the commander of U.S. Africa Command, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said, October 18, 2012.

U.S. Africa Command is the

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Defenders Protect Sea Vessels in Port

12:00 AM10/19/2012
"Be advised we've got two contacts inbound," said U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Ronga, the Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron 3, or MSRON 3, alpha team patrol leader, as he radioed to one of his watch teams to take note of an
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Djibouti Language School Graduates 80 During Ceremony

12:00 AM10/19/2012
Nine U.S. service members and more than 200 Djiboutians gathered together Oct. 11, 2012, during a Noural-Imam Institute graduation ceremony to recognize 80 student for successfully completing their English programs.

"English is not an
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Official: DOD Seeks 'Small Footprint' in Africa

12:00 AM10/17/2012
For Djibouti, location is everything.

The small African nation hosts the one forward operating base the United States maintains on the African continent, and that is due to its unique location, said Amanda J. Dory, deputy assistant
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ARFF Training Keeps Firefighters Mission-Ready

12:00 AM10/17/2012
Three minutes. That is the amount of time firefighters have to respond to an unannounced aircraft fire on Camp Lemonnier's flightline.

While this timeframe may seem impossible to most, aircraft rescue firefighting training allows
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Djiboutian Children, Adults Cared For During MEDCAP

12:00 AM10/16/2012
More than 300 Djiboutians received health care from U.S. and Djiboutian medical personnel who partnered during a Medical Civic Action Program clinic Oct. 6 and 7, 2012, in Chebelley village, located in Arta district, Djibouti.

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Navy Birthday message from CJTF-HOA

12:00 AM10/13/2012
CONGRATULATIONS to the Sailors here at Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa and around the globe as you celebrate the 237th birthday of the United States Navy.

On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress established the Navy
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Partnership, Engagement Highlight Africa Policy

12:00 AM10/12/2012
Say "Africa" to most Americans and they think of "the Dark Continent" – a land beset by problems and disasters, far enough away that anything that happens there cannot possibly affect America.

And they would be wrong, said Amanda J.
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