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AFRICOM Partners on Enlisted Education and Professional Development

1:04 PM6/14/2013
Partnerships are at the center of U.S. Africa Command's engagements to create a framework to support and sustain long-term cooperation. AFRICOM has grounded this ethos in a program focusing on enlisted service members from partner nations. "The
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African Airmen Return to Air University for U.S. Air Forces Africa Symposium

11:10 AM6/14/2013
Military officers from the air forces of 16 African countries returned to Air University for the African Airmen Alumni Symposium June 11-13.
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U.S. Africa Command Commander Visits USS Samuel B. Roberts

10:20 AM6/14/2013
Gen. David Rodriguez, commander, U.S. Africa Command, visited the guided-missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58), June 11, as part of a port visit to Augusta Bay, Italy.
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Seabees and TPDF Team up for Boat Ramp Project in Tanzania

6:54 AM6/14/2013

Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 4 and Underwater Construction Team (UCT) 1 teamed with the Tanzanian People’s Defense Force (TPDF) to place 14 precast concrete pads of what will be a 52 by 223-foot boat ramp, June

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General Linder Assumes Command of US Special Operations Command Africa

1:03 PM6/13/2013
General Linder takes command of US Special Operations Command Africa Brigadier General James B. Linder assumed command of U.S. Special Operations Command Africa (SOCAFRICA) from Rear Admiral Brian L. Losey during a change of command ceremony
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AFRICOM Commander Visits Service Members at Naval Air Station Sigonella

11:34 AM6/13/2013
U.S. Africa Command Commander General David M. Rodriguez meets Marines and Sailors during a visit to Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy, June 11, 2013.
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Camp Skeeter Program Fights Mosquito Bites

10:40 AM6/13/2013
Controlling mosquito populations at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, is more than a convenience — it is a vital health service provided by a team of medical specialists to protect camp and Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of Africa personnel from the
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ACSS Symposium in Kenya Examines Social Media, Electoral Security

7:27 AM6/13/2013
Technological advances and the rapid expansion of social media usage throughout Africa create new opportunities and challenges for electoral security on the continent, according to a group of experts speaking May 22, 2013, at a Topical Symposium on
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AFRICOM Commander Visits Sailors Aboard USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58)

10:16 AM6/12/2013
Army General David M. Rodriguez, commander, U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM), is piped aboard the guided missile frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG-58) during the ship’s port visit in Augusta Bay, Sicily. Samuel B. Roberts, homeported in Mayport,
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USS Gonzalez and Tanzania Conduct Anti-piracy Focused PASSEX

12:57 PM6/11/2013
Sailors from the guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) and Tanzanian People’s Defence Force (TPDF) navy exchanged best practices and exercised techniques of maritime interdiction, June 6. The military-to-military bilateral training
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USS Gonzalez and Tanzania Conduct Anti-piracy Focused PASSEX

12:15 PM6/11/2013
Sailors from the guided-missile destroyer USS Gonzalez (DDG 66) train alongside with members of the Tanzania People's Defense Force navy's and boarding teams during a training event aboard Gonzalez as part of a military-to-military bilateral
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Zambia Minister of Defense Visits AFRICOM

2:38 PM6/7/2013
Zambia's Minister of Defense, Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, meets U.S. Africa Command Commander General David Rodriguez during a visit to the command's headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, June 4, 2013. Mr. Mwamba visited AFRICOM to learn more about the
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2-138th FSC Shares Best ECP Practices With Djiboutian Army

2:07 PM6/7/2013
Six Soldiers from the Kentucky National Guard's 2-138th Forward Support Company assigned to Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, recently shared best entry control point practices with La Force Armee de Djibouti (FAD) at FAD Poste de Loyada,
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Africa Center and U.S. Dept. of State Hold Maritime Safety and Security Seminar in Ghana

10:02 AM6/7/2013
The Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS), the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL), and the government of Ghana welcomed government officials and experts in maritime law to the Trans-Atlantic
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Africa Center and U.S. Embassy Sponsor Symposium on Natural Resources and Conflict Prevention in Tanzania

12:41 PM6/6/2013
A group of 71 security sector experts and students from the Tanzania National Defence College, academic institutions, the Ministry of Defence, non-profit organizations, Tanzanian Parliamentarians and U.S. and Tanzanian government officials,
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CFC Donations Come Back to Help Family Support and Youth Program in Stuttgart

1:30 PM6/5/2013
U.S. Africa Command employees contributed to 2012 Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas and in return received a check for their contributions to the Family Support and Youth Program (FSYP).
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Wisconsin Club Donates School Supplies to Djiboutian School

12:32 PM6/4/2013
Soldiers from the 411th Civil Affairs Battalion in support of Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa recently visited youth at a school in Chebelley as part of an ongoing effort to build relationships and partnerships with the village.
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U.S. Marines, Sailors Train Senegalese Military

11:19 AM6/3/2013
U.S. Marines and Sailors with Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa 13 began training Senegalese Companie de Fusilier Marine Commandos in Dakar, Senegal, Recently.
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U.S. Offers Reward for Leaders of Lord’s Resistance Army

7:56 AM5/31/2013
The U.S. government is offering a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest, transfer or conviction of three leaders of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), which has been committing atrocities in central Africa and the Great
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‘Dagger University’ Prepares Soldiers for Missions to Africa

9:44 AM5/29/2013
Soldiers with 2nd ‘Dagger’ Armored Brigade Combat Team have known about their regional alignment with the continent of Africa for a while now, but that doesn’t mean the excitement of the unique mission-set has worn off, especially with some
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