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U.S. Aircraft Fired Upon in South Sudan

4:57 PM12/21/2013
At the request of the Department of State, the United States Africa Command, utilizing forces from Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), attempted to evacuate U.S. citizens from the town of Bor, South Sudan, today.
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AFRICOM Helps African Partners Prepare for Disaster Response

11:06 AM12/19/2013
A program initially launched to help African partners prevent pandemics has expanded to encompass preparedness for a full range of natural or man-made disasters, and should one occur, to reduce the associated pain, suffering and loss.Recognizing
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Security Sector Reform Should Link to Broader Society, Experts Say at Central Africa Workshop

10:15 AM12/19/2013
Africa Center for Strategic StudiesWASHINGTON, D.C. — Effective security sector reform (SSR) efforts in Africa should align with on-the-ground realities and insecurities of African people and states in order to build a sense of genuine ownership
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CJTF-HOA Shares Search, Rescue Tactics with Kenya Disaster Response Unit

9:00 AM12/19/2013
In a collapsed building muffled cries can be faintly heard through a small hole in a concrete wall. Rescuers work frantically to cut through it and reach a trapped girl.
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Military Intelligence Officers Course Participants Visit Local Orphanage in Burkina Faso

12:55 PM12/18/2013
Under the heat of the Burkinabé sun, Marines and their students from five nations were welcomed by the sounds of traditional African drums, excited children, and  gifts of bright pink flowers presented in simple glass jars.  This moment marked the
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Culture Guides Provide Valuable Insight

12:41 PM12/18/2013
 by Staff Sgt. Ryan CraneU.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa12/16/2013 - RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- In the military, if you are told to be somewhere at 4 p.m., you may arrive 15 minutes early.
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DOD Continues Central African Republic Peacekeeping Support

11:04 AM12/17/2013
The Defense Department sent another Air Force C-17 Globemaster III transport jet from Burundi to the Central African Republic today in support of the African Union-led International Support Mission in that beleaguered nation, Army Col. Steve
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U.S. Army Africa, Italian Carabinieri Assist Multinational Trainers in Burkina Faso

7:47 AM12/17/2013
Recently, U.S. Army Africa’s Office of the Provost Marshal coordinated training for more than 55 Burkina Faso Forces Gendarmerie to improve and increase their operational capacity in border security.The event took place Nov. 4-22 with the Burkina
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Admiral Landolt Retires after 32 Years of Service

10:50 AM12/16/2013
Rear Admiral Richard B. Landolt retires in a ceremony presided by U.S. Army General David M. Rodriguez, AFRICOM commander, at U.S. Africa Command headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, Dec. 13, 2013. Admiral Landolt received his commission in 1981
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Media Delegation from Algeria and Mauritania Wraps up Visit to AFRICOM

7:19 AM12/16/2013
A media delegation from Algeria and Mauritania wrapped up a five-day visit to U.S. Africa Command, Friday, December 13, 2013.  While at the Stuttgart, Germany-based combatant command, the 13 journalists received in-depth briefings on how AFRICOM
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U.S. Supports Peacekeeping Efforts in Central African Republic

1:50 PM12/12/2013
Two U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III aircraft and a small command and support team are on the ground in Uganda, preparing to conduct airlift operations in support of ongoing peacekeeping operations in the Central African Republic, Army Col.
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Media Delegation Visit Brings Journalists to AFRICOM

3:35 PM12/9/2013

AFRICOM is hosting a media delegation from Algeria and Mauritania this week as part of a program to provide an opportunity for journalists to learn more about U.S. Africa Command. 

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Exercises Create Success Story for African Ophthalmologist

9:15 AM12/9/2013
For the past four years the U.S. Army, in partnership with host nations, performed more than 3,100 manual small-incision cataract surgeries in eight countries to cure blindness through several medical readiness training exercises hosted by U.S.
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A message of condolence from General David M. Rodriguez

5:24 PM12/7/2013
"On behalf of the men and women of United States Africa Command, it is with great sadness and respect that I express my deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of former President Nelson Mandela and to the people of South Africa on the
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Surgeon's Office Imparts Life-saving Techniques in Burkina Faso

1:34 PM12/6/2013
Helping Africans solve African problems is one of U.S. Army Africa’s primary priorities. In support of this, USARAF Surgeon’s Directorate just completed the second of eight Tactical Combat Casualty Care training events in Burkina Faso with the
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Maritime Operations Center Workshop Commences with ECCAS Coastal Nations in Cameroon

11:40 AM12/6/2013
U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa is facilitating a two-week workshop beginning Dec. 2 with Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) coastal nations in order to strengthen the abilities and develop standard operating procedures for
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New weather system enhances mission capability of Kenyan Defense Forces

8:01 AM12/5/2013
A team from Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa recently installed a new weather system at the Kenyan Military Airport in Nairobi.The team included U.S. service members from the J3 Meteorological and Oceanographic Office, J3 Special
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AFRICOM hosts live social media event on HIV/AIDS

4:01 PM12/4/2013
Live television is mostly a thing of the past, but live web chats are definitely in vogue.  As a means to reach out to audiences live and around the globe, AFRICOM experts Michael Hryshchyshyn, Chief, Humanitarian and Health Activities branch and 
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Military Continues Work With North African Countries

2:27 PM11/27/2013
The Defense Department continues to work with nations in North Africa to promote security and increase stability in the region still feeling the effects of the Arab Spring, Amanda J. Dory, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for African
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Active-shooter Training Exercise in Djibouti Helps Secure Living Area

2:51 PM11/26/2013
U.S. Army soldiers with 1st Combined Arms Battalion, 63rd Armor Regiment, secure the living area on Camp Lemonnier during an active-shooter training exercise.
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