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Africom Commander: Terror Threat Remains Across Africa

11:42 AM3/10/2014
Helped by the Arab Spring, terrorist groups in North and West Africa have expanded their operations, increasing threats to the United States and its interests, the commander of U.S. Africa Command told Congress today.
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Humanitarian Mine Action Train-the-Trainer Program helps build EOD Capabilities in Africa

2:55 PM3/7/2014
Kenya Defense Force EOD team learns how to test an electric blasting cap during a Humanitarian Mine Action Train-the-Trainer program in Nairobi, Kenya.
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US Marines Volunteer at Local Ugandan School

2:42 PM3/7/2014
“Mzungu! Mzungu! Mzungu!” shouted children while chasing an SUV pulling into the remote compound where their school is located.‘Mzungu’ is a word many people in countries across Africa used to use to refer to anyone who was white, but now use to
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USS Simpson Arrives in Casablanca, Morocco

2:22 PM3/7/2014

The guided-missile frigate USS Simpson (FFG 56) arrived in Casablanca for a scheduled port visit, March 6.

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Exercise Saharan Express 2014 Commences

2:02 PM3/7/2014
Naval forces from the United States along with African and European maritime partners commenced the fourth annual multinational exercise Saharan Express 2014, March 6.
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US Marines Conduct Crisis-Response Exercise in Liberia

7:14 AM3/7/2014
The exercise in Monrovia serves to prepare response forces for potential situations of regional instability, and to strengthen interagency coordination between the United States and the Liberian Government and military.
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Exercise Saharan Express 2014 Commences

6:59 AM3/7/2014
By Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet Public AffairsDAKAR, Senegal – Naval forces from the United States along with African and European maritime partners commenced the fourth annual multinational exercise Saharan Express
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USAFE-AFAFRICA Surgeon General wins Prestigious Humanitarian Assistance Award

2:32 PM3/6/2014
USAFE-AFAFRICA Surgeon General wins Prestigious Humanitarian Assistance Award
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Turning Terror into Triumph - A young journalist turns 460 days of brutal captivity into a vision for humanitarian service

12:43 PM3/6/2014
I looked back at the woman who had fallen, a total stranger just moments ago, to see her face covered with tears; her hand still reaching out to try and save me as I was dragged by my ankles outside the mosque. She was surrounded by three angry,
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USNS Spearhead Departs Rota and Ready to Work with Partners in Africa

12:16 PM3/6/2014
The U.S. Navy’s first-in-class joint high-speed vessel USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1) departed Rota, Spain March 2, as the ship now sets sail to the waters off Africa to participate with Africa partners in a series of engagements and exercises. Since
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Africa Center Co-Hosts Countering Violent Extremist Messaging Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

12:10 PM3/5/2014
The U.S. government and African partners met in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for a dialogue on strategic approaches to countering violent extremist messaging in the greater Horn of Africa region. The Feb. 23–28 workshop was co-hosted by the Africa Center
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New Health Clinic Opens in Sankal with US Assistance

10:28 AM3/4/2014
U.S. military, U.S. Embassy-Djibouti and key Djiboutian personnel in Eastern Africa traveled to Sankal, Djibouti, and participated in opening ceremonies for a new health clinic Feb. 13, 2014.
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FLINTLOCK Helps Strengthen Stability across Africa

8:34 AM3/4/2014
Flintlock is a multi-national exercise with participants from Burkina Faso, Canada, Chad, France, Germany, Italy, Mauritania, the Netherlands, Norway, Nigeria, Senegal, United Kingdom, United States and Niger focusing on building partner capacity
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FLINTLOCK Builds Partnership and Capabilities of Partner African Nations

8:01 AM3/4/2014
Various countries soldiers take part in FLINTLOCK training exercise in Niger, Feb. 27, 2014. (U.S. Army photos by Spc. Timothy Clegg)
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Rural Senegal Village Receives Local Medical Aid

3:55 PM3/3/2014
In a rural village outside of the town of Podor, Senegal, everyone from a 1-month-old baby to a man of 83 who is rumored to have served in World War II, stood in line just outside the walls of an elementary school that doubled as a medical care
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Civil Affairs Team Help Teach Senegalese Soldiers to Rely on Themselves

3:52 PM3/3/2014
The American writer Elbert Hubbard once wrote that wise men, down in their hearts, know this truth: “the only way to help yourself is to help others.
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USARAF Training in Lesotho Provides Sustainable Knowledge

3:17 PM3/3/2014
U.S. Army Africa deployed a team of medical personnel from U.S. Army Forces Command, U.S. Army Medical Command, Army Reserve Medical Command, and the 7th Civil Support Command, Feb. 3-14, for medical readiness training between the Kingdom of
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North Dakota National Guard Announces New African Partnerships

12:18 PM3/3/2014
The North Dakota National Guard (NDNG) has broadened its participation in the National Guard Bureau’s State Partnership Program (SPP) by announcing the addition of two new partnerships with the West African countries of the Togolese Republic and
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Niger Army Trains on Air Resupply during Flintlock 2014

7:10 AM3/3/2014
The Niger Army’s 22nd Battalion trained with American, Canadian and Spanish troops supporting Flintlock 2014 on necessary learning objectives for a successful airborne supply delivery here, Feb. 21.The Niger Armed Forces, otherwise known as the
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USARAF Training Provides Africans Insight into the Greater Need

8:36 AM2/26/2014
U.S. Army Africa continues to provide training to different African nations to help them secure their own borders, thereby helping them secure the region. Because of this, whatever American interests are in that region or country will, as a
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