New Commander Speaks of Military's Newest Combatant Command
12:00 AM10/4/2007
Members of the new U.S. Africa Command are going to listen to the people of the continent and help them realize their plans, the first commander of the organization said here yesterday. In a news conference at the State Department’s Foreign Press
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U.S. Africa Command Marks Startup of Initial Operations
12:00 AM10/2/2007
The new U.S. military organization responsible for operations across Africa marked the startup of its initial operations yesterday, according to a U.S. Africa Command news release. The command’s leader, Army Gen. William E. “Kip” Ward, announced in
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U.S. Africa Command Reaches Initial Operating Capability
12:00 AM10/1/2007
U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM, officially stood up today when the organization reached its "initial operating capability" (IOC) to start functioning as the Pentagon’s newest regionally-focused headquarters.
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U.S. Africa Command Will Enhance Local Skills, Problem Solving
12:00 AM9/28/2007
The new U.S. regional military command for Africa (AFRICOM) will have a distinctly different mission from its sister commands: it will focus on helping African militaries handle conflict and implement African solutions through military expertise
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Nominee vows to bring unified focus to African Continent
12:00 AM9/27/2007
Army Gen. William E. “Kip” Ward, who currently serves as deputy commander of U.S. European Command, told the senators during his confirmation hearing that he will build on U.S. efforts already under way to solidify relationships and develop capabilities of African nations.
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Africa Command Poised to Help Continent's Security, Stability
12:00 AM9/21/2007
The U.S. military’s new Africa Command will be dissimilar to other unified commands in a variety of ways, not least of which is its primary charge to cultivate security, not fight a war, a top Defense Department official said here yesterday.
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U.S. Africa Command Builds Partnerships, Fosters Self-Sufficiency
12:00 AM8/6/2007
The precise role the newly created U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) will play is to build on long-standing partnerships to deliver humanitarian assistance and foster self-sufficiency by helping African nations build strong, effective democracies,
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Pentagon Official Describes AFRICOM's Mission, Dispels Misconceptions
12:00 AM8/3/2007
U.S. Africa Command’s foremost mission is to help Africans achieve their own security, not to extend the scope of the war on terrorism or secure African resources, a top Pentagon official said.
“The United States spends approximately
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First Africa Command Commander Nominated
12:00 AM7/10/2007
Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced today that the President has nominated Gen. William E. Ward for re-appointment to the rank of general with assignment as commander, U.S. Africa Command, Stuttgart, Germany. Gen. Ward is currently
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Officials Visit African Nations, Discuss New Command with Leaders
12:00 AM4/24/2007
Defense Department officials recently met with leaders in six African countries and had “fruitful” discussions about U.S. Africa Command, the new unified combatant command the department is establishing, a senior department official told reporters
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U.S. Military's Africa Command Will Help African Leaders
12:00 AM4/24/2007
The U.S. military’s new command center for Africa, Africa Command (AFRICOM), will not include large numbers of troops, but will promote regional security and stability while coordinating U.S. support for African leaders, senior Pentagon officials
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U.S. Military Training Program Benefits African Peacekeepers
12:00 AM3/20/2007
Africans make the best peacekeepers for Africa, and the United States has made a strong commitment to helping them hone their peacekeeping skills, says the coordinator for a U.S.-managed military training program.
"Our job is to
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Africa Command Geared Toward Stability
12:00 AM2/7/2007
The main goal of the new U.S. command in Africa will be to develop a stable environment on the continent to promote civil society and improved quality of life for the people there, a top Defense Department official said here today.
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President Bush Creates a Department of Defense Unified Combatant Command for Africa
12:00 AM2/6/2007
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
February 6, 2007
Today, I am pleased to announce my decision to create a Department of Defense Unified Combatant Command for Africa. I have directed the Secretary of
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U.S. Creating New Africa Command to Coordinate Military Efforts
12:00 AM2/6/2007
The Defense Department is creating a new U.S. Africa Command headquarters, to be known as AFRICOM, to coordinate all U.S. military and security interests throughout the continent, the Bush administration announced February 6.
“This new
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Africa Command Will Consolidate U.S. Efforts on Continent
12:00 AM2/6/2007
(February 6, 2007) - The new U.S. Africa Command, which President Bush announced today, will consolidate U.S. government efforts in Africa and the ability to work with partner nations, the officer in charge of the command's transition team said
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