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U.S. Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors Join with Liberian Soldiers for AFL Rebuilding

12:00 AM3/6/2009
U.S. Marines with the Marine Advisor Team in support of Africa Partnership Station Nashville arrived in Liberia February 16, 2009 to begin a nearly month-long partnership with the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) at Edward Binyah Kesselly Base.  Read more

U.S. Marines Partner with Liberian Soldiers to Deliver School Supplies

12:00 AM3/5/2009
U.S. Marines with Marine Advisor Team (MAT) and personnel with the Liberian Security Sector Reform (SSR) program joined soldiers with the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) to deliver school supplies to the United Methodist School System in Monrovia,
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Namibian Defence Force Enlisted Leaders Visit U.S. Army Training Facility

12:00 AM3/5/2009
Namibian enlisted leaders toured major military training facilities in Germany on February 23, 2009, so see how U.S. soldiers and their international partners train.

The members of the Namibia Defence Force toured Joint Multinational
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Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference Continues in Gaborone

12:00 AM3/4/2009
A week-long Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference opened its second day at the Gaborone Sun Hotel March 3, 2009 with approximately 150 participants in attendance, to include representatives from 26 African countries and 18 local and international
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The Role of Military Leadership in HIV Prevention

12:00 AM3/3/2009
Military leadership is a critical element of African military HIV/AIDS programs, said a senior official for Ugandan medical affairs March 2, 2009 at the Military HIV/AIDS Prevention conference in Gaborone.

In a session presented
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U.S. AFRICOM's Civilian Deputy Concerned About Dramatic Increase in West African Narcotics Traffic

12:00 AM3/3/2009
West Africa has seen an "absolutely shocking" increase in narcotics trafficking, which disrupts local communities and threatens the entire region, U.S. Africa Command's civilian deputy told Ghanaian reporters March 2, 2009, while
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Airman Recognized for Restoring Airlift Capability in Africa

12:00 AM3/3/2009
Air Force 449th Air Expeditionary Group Commander Colonel Gregory "Mudbug" Petrequin flew to Manda Bay, Kenya February 24, 2009 to personally recognize a single airman for his contributions to the United States' mission in Africa.
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Africa Command Deputy in Cape Verde to Discuss Counter-Drugs, Maritime Security

12:00 AM3/2/2009
U.S. and Cape Verdean government officials met February 27, 2009 to discuss international cooperation in counter-narcotics, illegal fishing, and illegal trafficking as U.S. Africa Command's civilian deputy, Ambassador Mary C. Yates, began a
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Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference Opens in Gaborone

12:00 AM3/2/2009
A Military HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference opened March 2, 2009 at the Gaborone Sun Hotel with approximately 150 participants in attendance, to include representatives from 26 African countries and 18 local and international non-governmental
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POLICY STATEMENT: Assassinations in Guinea-Bissau

12:00 AM3/2/2009
(Editor's note: The following statement by the U.S. Department of State is provided to further public understanding of U.S. foreign policy toward African security. U.S. Africa Command plays a subordinate role to the State Department in
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449th Air Expeditionary Group Changes Hands in Djibouti

12:00 AM3/2/2009
The 449th Air Expeditionary Group of the U.S. 17th Air Force held a change of command ceremony in Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti on February 27, 2009. Major General Ronald R. Ladnier, commanding the 17th Air Force, was the senior officer present and
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CJTF-HOA Conducts Peace Operations Course in Kenya

12:00 AM2/27/2009
The commander and deputy commander of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) attended the graduation ceremony of 32 military officers from nine East African countries who successfully completed the Peace Operations Staff Course
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West and Central African Trainees Graduate from APS Nashville Program

12:00 AM2/25/2009
The first class of Africa Partnership Station (APS) Nashville embarked trainees graduated February 20, 2009, following a three-week program during which the sailors, from west and central Africa, reviewed maritime procedures and techniques and
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APS Nashville Begins Training in Ghana

12:00 AM2/25/2009
Africa Partnership Station (APS) Nashville kicked off training courses on February 23, 2009 aboard USS Nashville (LPD 13) during a scheduled 18-day port visit to Sekondi, Ghana.

Crew members of USS Nashville welcomed more than 160
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Coast Guard Contributes to Counter-piracy Mission

12:00 AM2/24/2009
The Coast Guard is actively engaged in implementing the president's counter-piracy action plan, senior Coast Guard officials said.

Captain Charles Michel, chief of the Office of Maritime and International Law, and Captain Michael
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POLICY STATEMENT: Death of Eleven Burundian Soldiers in Mogadishu

12:00 AM2/24/2009
(Editor's note: The following statement by the U.S. Department of State is provided to further public understanding of U.S. foreign policy toward African security. U.S. Africa Command plays a subordinate role to the State Department in
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America Builds New African Partnerships to Tackle Piracy

12:00 AM2/24/2009
The United States and other international partners are helping African governments confront piracy and improve maritime security on two coasts of Africa. While the waters off the coast of Somalia rank number 1 in the world for piracy and armed
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Africa Partnership Station Nashville Arrives in Ghana

12:00 AM2/24/2009
USS Nashville (LPD 13) arrived in Sekondi, Ghana on February 20, 2009, the second African port of its five-month deployment in support of Africa Partnership Station.

APS is an international initiative, led by U.S. Naval Forces Africa,
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Tennessee General Visits 'Volunteer' Well Drillers

12:00 AM2/23/2009
Soldiers of the Tennessee National Guard's 775th Engineering Detachment (EN) welcomed their commander, Brigadier General Robert A. Harris, to Djibouti on February 20, 2009.

Harris spent the day touring the Dikhil region of
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U.S. Africa Command, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Africa, Support Peacekeeping Center in Ghana

12:00 AM2/20/2009
More than 30 officers and civilians from 15 member countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) became the first graduates of a new logistics course hosted by the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center (KAIPTC)
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