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U.S. Africa Command Opens Doors to Region Leaders

12:00 AM9/15/2009
U.S. Africa Command opened its doors to business, government and regional civic leaders in the Stuttgart area to learn more about the command during an open house event September 10, 2009.

As U.S. Africa Command approaches its second
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APS Swift Medical Team Treats Patients in Liberia

12:00 AM9/14/2009
Africa Partnership Station (APS) Swift's Medical Team III returned to the Liberian government hospital in Tubmanberg, Liberia, September 10, 2009.

This is the fourth day the Navy physician, nurse, and corpsman have driven the two
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Non-Medical Services Offered at Camp Lemonier, Djibouti Through Military and Family Life Consultant Program

12:00 AM9/14/2009
Since its commencement in 2004, the Military & Family Life Consultant (MFLC) program has grown, with a representative on nearly every military installation stateside. Now the program has extended to other locations, including Camp Lemonnier, the
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South African Police Officers Attend Homicide Seminar as Part of National Guard State Partnership Program

12:00 AM9/14/2009
Two South African police officers will attend the New York State Police's world-renowned homicide seminar September 12-17, 2009 at the New York State Police Academy in Albany, thanks to the New York National Guard.

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Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa Hosts Ugandan Senior Command and Staff College Officers

12:00 AM9/14/2009
Officers of the Ugandan Senior Command and Staff College visited Camp Lemonnier from September 7 to 11, 2009 to learn about Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa's staff, coalition and regional partners' missions, operations, and
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WARD SENDS: Remembering 9-11

12:00 AM9/11/2009
September 11th, 2001 is a day we will never forget. As a nation, we remember and honor those whose lives were ended prematurely when jetliners struck the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and we remember and mourn those who died aboard Flight
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Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance 2009

12:00 AM9/11/2009
Through the twisted steel of the twin towers of the World Trade Center, the scarred walls of the Pentagon, and the smoky wreckage in a field in southwest Pennsylvania, the patriotism and resiliency of the American people shone brightly on September
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Nigerian Delegation Assists U.S. Africa Command in Engagement Planning Process

12:00 AM9/11/2009
A Nigerian delegation met with representatives from U.S. Africa Command and its component organizations, September 10, 2009 in Stuttgart, Germany to discuss their goals and objectives for the coming year.

As U.S. Africa Command begins
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APS Swift, Project HOPE Hold Seminar on Maternal and Child Health

12:00 AM9/10/2009
Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere) volunteers began a two-week training seminar for the nurses and midwives of John F. Kennedy (JFK) Memorial Health Center in Monrovia, September 7, 2009.

The four-person
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Liberian President Accepts Project Handclasp Donation from HVS Swift

12:00 AM9/9/2009
Twenty-four pallets of Project Handclasp supplies were accepted on behalf of the nation by the President of Liberia during a ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Monrovia, September 4, 2009.

Liberian President Ellen
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U.S. Africa Command Conducts First Regional Pandemic Response Program Workshop in Nairobi

12:00 AM9/8/2009
Disaster and Health experts from nine African nations came together in Nairobi, Kenya for a five-day planning workshop on Pandemic Influenza Response, August 31-September 4, 2009.

The event was sponsored and facilitated by U.S. Africa
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U.S. Marine Forces Africa Hosts First Marine Leaders of Africa Conference

12:00 AM9/4/2009
The principle staff and senior leadership of U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Africa (MARFORAF) joined with 15 representatives from 11 African nations for the first Marine Leaders of Africa Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, August 24-27, 2009.
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WARD SENDS: Honoring the American Worker – Labor Day

12:00 AM9/4/2009
Labor Day is a timeless holiday in celebration of American workers, both past and present. The holiday was initially conceived in the late 19th century as an act of reconciliation between the U.S. government and organized labor. The turmoil of that
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Air Forces Africa Shares Airdrop Expertise with Ugandan Forces

12:00 AM9/3/2009
Today's scenario: Heavy rains have caused the Nile River to overflow its banks and flood a village in central Uganda, cutting off citizens from food and medical supplies.

The mission: To plan and execute a humanitarian airdrop
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U.S. Africa Command Wraps-up Second Academic Conference with Closing Ceremony

12:00 AM9/3/2009
U.S. Africa Command hosted 36 academic professionals from 17 different African nations during its second annual academic symposium at the Sheraton Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia August 21, 2009.

During daily discussion groups, academic
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U.S. Soldiers Conduct 'Book Drop' in Tanga

12:00 AM9/2/2009
Soldiers assigned to the U.S. Army's 4-414th Civil Affairs Battalion delivered more than 1,000 books to rural schools near Tanga, Tanzania, August 24, 2009.

"Today we went to three schools ... two primary schools and a secondary
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U.S. Air Forces Africa Help Nigerian C-130 Fly Again

12:00 AM9/1/2009
A group of active duty Air Force and Tennessee Air National Guard members helped restore one of Nigeria's C-130 transport aircraft to flying condition as part of an ongoing engagement between 17th Air Force (U.S. Air Forces Africa) and
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U.S. Air Forces Africa Commander Visits Kenyan Air Force

12:00 AM9/1/2009
Air Forces Africa touched down in Kenya, August 24, 2009, for the latest in a series of engagements between U.S. and Kenyan forces. AFAFRICA, also known as 17th Air Force, is the air component for U.S. Africa Command.

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APS Swift Sailors Paint Togo Clinic

12:00 AM8/31/2009
Eight Sailors from Africa Partnership Station (APS) Swift and 18 local Togolese helped paint a clinic in Lome, August 26, 2009.

High Speed Vessel Swift (HSV 2), which arrived August 24, is in port for a four-day visit in support of
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APS, Swift Deliver Project Handclasp Supplies in Togo

12:00 AM8/27/2009
Africa Partnership Station (APS) Swift delivered two pallets of medical supplies as part of Project Handclasp to the local Red Cross in Lome, Togo, August 25, 2009.

Ambassador to Togo Patricia McMahon Hawkins, Togolese Red Cross
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