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Tri-Service Nursing Team Builds Professional Language Skills in Djibouti

12:00 AM10/20/2009
Three nurses from Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ) kicked off a new academic year, October 16, 2009, in Djibouti City by teaching more than 130 college students advanced skills in English.
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APS, Seabees Bolster Liberia's Coast Guard

12:00 AM10/20/2009
U.S. Navy Seabee equipment was transported ashore to Monrovia, Liberia on October 17, 2009 from amphibious landing craft attached to the Dutch Africa Partnership Station (APS) platform HNLMS Johan de Witt (L 801).

A team of 20
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Medical Team at Camp Lemonnier Provides Influenza Vaccines

12:00 AM10/19/2009
A team from the Expeditionary Medical Facility in Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti provided influenza vaccines to service members assigned to Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa and Camp Lemonier, October 15 and 16, 2009.
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Opening ceremony in Northern Uganda Marks Start to Humanitarian Exercise

12:00 AM10/19/2009
KITGUM, Uganda - The partnership exercise named Natural Fire 10, a multinational military exercise involving five East African partner states -- plus partners from the U.S. military -- began October 16, 2009 in northern Uganda.
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A New Approach to Global Food Security and Hunger

12:00 AM10/16/2009
U.S. Africa Command Web Editor's Note: The following op-ed on food security by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is posted on the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) website in recognition of World Food Day, October 16, 2009. The op-ed was
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Coast Guard Cutter Helps Navy on African Coast

12:00 AM10/16/2009
The Coast Guard cutter Legare recently returned from a 120-day mission in support of the Navy's 6th Fleet along Africa's west coast.
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Africa Partnership Station Helps Local Sierra Leone Hospitals

12:00 AM10/16/2009
Africa Partnership Station (APS) construction personnel made repairs at the Bai Bureh Memorial Community Hospital in Lungi, Sierra Leone, October 15, 2009.
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APS Arrives in Sierra Leone

12:00 AM10/15/2009
The Dutch amphibious ship HNLMS Johan De Witt (L 801) arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone, October 14, 2009, for a two-day port visit as part of the ongoing Africa Partnership Station (APS) initiative. Johan De Witt is in Sierra Leone in support of
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U.S. Army Soldier Inspires African Teens in Uganda

12:00 AM10/14/2009
When Staff Sergeant John Okumu joined the U.S. Army nearly five years ago, he never dreamed he would one day deploy to Africa, the continent he once called home.
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U.S. Africa Command Admiral Speaks at Maritime Security Conference

12:00 AM10/14/2009
Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller, U.S. Africa Command's deputy to the commander for military operations, spoke at the inaugural conference on Maritime Security at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa, October 13, 2009.
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Navy's 234th Celebrated in Expeditionary Fashion at Camp Lemonnier

12:00 AM10/13/2009
The Navy's 234th birthday was celebrated at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ), October 10, 2009 in truly expeditionary style with a checklist of only three necessary items: sun block, malaria medication and the desert camouflage uniform (DCU).
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U.S. and African Military Officers Prepare for Exercise Natural Fire 10

12:00 AM10/13/2009
Soldiers from several East African nations continue to flow into Entebbe, Uganda in anticipation of the October 16 kickoff of Natural Fire 10, a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief exercise.
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U.S., African Partners Celebrate Successful Conclusion of Africa Endeavor 2009

12:00 AM10/13/2009
Representatives from U.S. Africa Command and 26 African nations commemorated the closing Exercise Africa Endeavor 2009 with a series of speeches, a parade and a small reception in Libreville, Gabon, October 9, 2009.
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U.S. Navy Band Performs in Senegal During APS Deployment

12:00 AM10/13/2009
The Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe rock band 'Flagship' conducted an outdoor performance for the Colin Powell Center at the Theatre de Verdure de Pekine in Pikine Nord, Senegal on October 10, 2009.
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First Helicopter Flights Launch in Support of Natural Fire 10

12:00 AM10/12/2009
CH-47 Chinook helicopters will play a key role in airlifting supplies and troops around Uganda in preparation for the upcoming military exercise Natural Fire 10, according to a U.S. soldier supporting the exercise.
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CJTF-HOA's Meteorological and Oceanographic Department Improving Relations in Uganda

12:00 AM10/8/2009
A team from Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa's (CJTF-HOA) Meteorological and Oceanographic Department (METOC) deployed to Uganda from September 28 to October 3, 2009 in preparation for the humanitarian exercise Natural Fire at the end
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Dutch Donate Two River Boats to Senegal During APS Deployment

12:00 AM10/8/2009
As part of the first European-led Africa Partnership Station (APS) deployment, the Dutch government donated two river inspection boats to the Organization de la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal (OMVS) in St. Louis, Senegal, October 7, 2009.  Read more

Netherlands Begins First European-led APS Deployment in Senegal

12:00 AM10/7/2009
The first European-led Africa Partnership Station (APS) engagement began in St. Louis, Senegal, October 7, 2009 after the Royal Dutch Navy multi-functional amphibious transport ship HNLMS Johan De Witt (L 801) pulled into port.
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Navy Diver Visit Helps the Gabonese Navy Assess its Future Dive Capability

12:00 AM10/7/2009
Service members with the Gabonese Navy completed a three-day Dive Program Orientation and Demonstration led by two U.S. Navy divers from Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) in Libreville, September 25, 2009.
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New Logistical Specialist Rating Celebrated at Camp Lemonnier

12:00 AM10/7/2009
Junior and senior enlisted postal clerks and storekeepers, along with members of the Navy Supply Corps, held a ceremony at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, October 1, 2009 to commemorate the official formation of the Navy's new logistical specialist
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