Ward Discusses Partnership in Botswana
12:00 AM5/1/2010
The Botswana Defence Force (BDF) hosted a visit by General William E. Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command, to meet with military officials and soldiers of the BDF in Gaborone, April 28, 2010, where he discussed ongoing regional security efforts
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U.S. Marines Train With Moroccan, Senegalese Maritime Interdiction Operations Teams in Preparation for Phoenix Express
12:00 AM4/30/2010
In preparation for Exercise Phoenix Express 2010, North African Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) teams are training with Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team (FAST) Company, Europe, April 19 to May 7, 2010 at Naval Station Rota, Spain.
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Senior Ugandan General Meets with U.S. Army Africa Leaders; Continues Cooperative Partnership
12:00 AM4/30/2010
When Ugandan Brigadier General Silver Kayemba arrived at U.S. Army Africa headquarters on April 27, 2010, he was met by familiar faces.
Kayemba, the chief of training and operations for the Ugandan People's Defense Force (UPDF),
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Airmen Nearly Done with First of Two Humanitarian Projects in Africa
12:00 AM4/30/2010
Halfway through a two-week humanitarian mission to Africa, North Dakota National Guard Airmen report the mission has been going well despite the high heat index.
Thirty-four members of the 119th Wing's Civil Engineer Squadron
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U.S. Charges 11 Somalis with Maritime Piracy
12:00 AM4/29/2010
"Since the earliest days of this country, piracy has been a serious crime," U.S. Attorney Neil MacBride said at an April 23, 2010 press conference in Norfolk, Virginia, where 11 Somali men are being held for trial in a federal court on charges of
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Camp Lemonnier Welcomes New Commanding Officer
12:00 AM4/29/2010
During a change of command ceremony at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ), April 28, 2010, Captain Darius Banaji relieved Captain Bill Finn as commanding officer of the only U.S. military installation on the continent of Africa.
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NCO Starts Children's Pen Pal Program
12:00 AM4/29/2010
Ask a group of 3rd grade children to read a geography book and you would likely see their arms crossing and bottom lips sticking out. However, ask that same group if they want to be pen pals with kids their age in Africa and they will become
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U.S. Marine Making a Difference in Liberia
12:00 AM4/29/2010
U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Gary Morris' time in Liberia, which originally began as a voluntary six-month assignment, will end in August 2010, 20 months later.
The U.S. military has been providing mentors and advisors to
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Statement by Secretary Clinton: Togo's National Day
12:00 AM4/28/2010
AFRICOM PAO Note: This statement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is being posted on the U.S. Africa Command website in the interest of explaining U.S. foreign policy with African nations. The role of U.S. Africa Command is to
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North Dakota Military Police Partner with Ghanaian Military Leadership
12:00 AM4/28/2010
As part of a State Partnership Program visit, Lieutenant General Peter Blay, Ghanaian Armed Forces, and Major General David Sprynczynatyk, North Dakota adjutant general, and other key staff members spent time with soldiers from Detachment 2 of the
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Army Medical Researchers in Kenya Mark World Malaria Day 2010
12:00 AM4/27/2010
Hundreds of local people in Kisumu, Kenya gathered April 25, 2010 at Kit Mikayi primary school to mark World Malaria Day with educational skits, songs and dance.
Among them was Lieutenant Colonel Maria Bovill, director of U.S. Army
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Medical Personnel, Marines Lend a Hand in Senegal
12:00 AM4/23/2010
"Quick – get him inside, he's bleeding!"
With those words, an elderly Senegalese man, standing quietly amongst a pressing throng of villagers, was hurriedly ushered inside the village health post compound. He sat patiently while
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AFRICOM Planners Study WWII Italian Campaign
12:00 AM4/23/2010
Members of U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and its components visited various battlefields throughout Italy to conduct a historical study of the WWII Italian Campaign March 23-27, 2010.
The group's study, known as a staff ride, is
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Department of State: Joint Statement on the First U.S.-A.U. High-Level Bilateral Meetings
12:00 AM4/23/2010
The United States and the nations of the African Union share deep ties, both historical and modern, and have concluded first-ever high-level talks to discuss mutual interests and strategic partnership, the U.S. Department of State said in a
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Kelley Mailroom Seeks Volunteers
12:00 AM4/23/2010
The mailroom at Kelley Barracks is looking for volunteers to help sort mail and conduct other mailroom tasks, starting April 26, 2010.
Due to recent airline flight cancellations and delays from the volcanic ash cloud, mail has been
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Under Secretary William J. Burns Travels to Africa
12:00 AM4/22/2010
AFRICOM PAO note: The following article, by the U.S. Department of State, is provided for public awareness of U.S. policy in Africa. As a military organization, U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) does not lead U.S. foreign policy, but instead
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Senegalese, Spanish and U.S. Ships Work Together to Train African Sailors
12:00 AM4/22/2010
African sailors received daily training across the decks of three partner country ships from Senegal, Spain, and the United States April 17-20, 2010, as part of Africa Partnership Station (APS) West.
The daily at-sea training was
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First U.S.–African Union Talks Open in Washington
12:00 AM4/22/2010
The first U.S.-African Union High Level Bilateral Meetings opened at the U.S. Department of State April 21, 2010, with the goal of broadening the U.S.-African Union (AU) relationship and deepening the level of engagement between both parties.
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Camp Lemonnier Conducts First Physical Fitness Assessment
12:00 AM4/20/2010
Sailors deployed in the Horn of Africa at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti (CLDJ), were able to overcome the desert heat and avoid treacherous mosquitoes while participating in the 2010 Spring command physical fitness Assessment (PFA), the first PFA ever
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SCMAGTF Splits Forces, Begins Familiarization Events in Senegal, Liberia
12:00 AM4/19/2010
Marines of the Security Cooperation Marine Air Ground Task Force, Africa Partnership Station 10, came ashore at Guerero Beach, Senegal, April 6, 2010, to begin military-to-military familiarization events with their partner nation.
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