Obama on Signing of Northern Uganda Recovery Act
12:00 AM5/26/2010
Office of the Press Secretary
May 24, 2010
Statement by the President on the signing of the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009
Today, I signed into
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USS Elrod Encounters Suspected Drug Smugglers in Mediterranean
12:00 AM5/26/2010
(AFRICOM PAO NOTE: While the Western Mediterranean is in the U.S. European Command's area of responsibility, U.S. Naval Forces Europe / U.S. Naval Forces Africa works in both areas.)
NAPLES, Italy –USS Elrod (FFG 55) encountered
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Maritime Surveillance System Monitors Coastline; Aids in Djibouti National Security
12:00 AM5/25/2010
"Like a person who was blind, we are able to see a little better," said the commander of the Djibouti Navy as he discussed the Regional Maritime Awareness Capability (RMAC), a maritime surveillance program.
Speaking about the only
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Marines Test Alternative Energy System at AFRICAN LION
12:00 AM5/25/2010
U.S. Marines at exercise African Lion tested a new environmentally-friendly energy system which will enable deployed troops to purify water, light their tents and power their equipment through solar energy and leverage technology.
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Doctors, Dentists Provide Medical Care in Morocco
12:00 AM5/24/2010
Moroccan medical personnel and their U.S. counterparts from the Utah Air National Guard's 151st Expeditionary Medical Group began the medical portion of humanitarian civil assistance missions of Exercise African Lion 2010 in the southern
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Tripoli Talks Advance U.S. Army Relationship with Libyan Land Forces
12:00 AM5/20/2010
The U.S. Army Africa commanding general made a historic trip to Libya to discuss the emerging relationship between the U.S. Army and Libya's land forces in early May 2010.
Major General William B. Garrett III visited Tripoli, where
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Statement by Secretary Clinton: Cameroon's 50th Anniversary of Independence
12:00 AM5/20/2010
AFRICOM PAO Note: This statement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is being posted on the U.S. Africa Command website in the interest of explaining U.S. foreign policy with African nations. The role of U.S. Africa Command is to
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Reserve Marine Brings Wealth of Experience to African Lion
12:00 AM5/20/2010
For nearly 30 years, Chief Warrant Officer 5 Mick Flynn has dedicated his life to the Marine Corps.
He is currently in Agadir, Morocco at African Lion 2010, serving as the Marine Forces Reserve advanced party logistics officer,
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Marine MPs Enhance Foreign Relations Through Non-Lethal Tactics
12:00 AM5/20/2010
Moroccan military members practiced non-lethal weapons tactics alongside U.S. Marines with the Military Police Company, Headquarters Battalion, 4th Marine Division of St. Paul, Minnesota, May 17, 2010, during Exercise AFRICAN LION 2010.
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Phoenix Express Kicks Off in Souda Bay
12:00 AM5/19/2010
Phoenix Express 2010 (PE-10), a two-week, two-phase, multinational, maritime exercise among regional partners from Africa, Europe, and the United States, is set to conduct its kickoff pre-sail conference and conclude its in port training portion of
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U.S. Africa Command Launches Warrant Officer/Non-Commissioned Officer Webpage
12:00 AM5/19/2010
U.S. Africa Command launched a new webpage geared towards warrant officer and non-commissioned officer development, May 18, 2010.
This page, accessible via a button on the main U.S. AFRICOM homepage (see photo to the right), contains
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AFRICOM Hosts First Africa Military Legal Conference, Nearly 15 African Nations Participating
12:00 AM5/19/2010
The first Africa Military Legal Conference to be hosted by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) began May 18, 2010 at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center in Accra, Ghana. The three-day conference brings together lawyers and other
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New York National Guard Hosts South African Defense Force Chief
12:00 AM5/18/2010
South Africa's top general visited New York National Guard headquarters in Latham, May 17, 2010, the second day of a week-long tour of U.S. military headquarters.
General Godfrey Ngwenya, chief of the South African National Defense
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Marines, Moroccans Grapple Toward Closer Ties during African Lion 2010
12:00 AM5/18/2010
U.S. Marines and their Moroccan Army counterparts conducted Marine Corps Martial Arts training together at Tifnit training area, May 16, 2010, as part of Exercise AFRICAN LION, a combined and joint exercise designed to enhance interoperability of
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African Lion 2010: Utah Air National Guard Conducts Chemical Training with Moroccan Counterparts
12:00 AM5/18/2010
Utah Air National Guard's 151st Expeditionary Medical Group (EMG) kicked off two weeks of mutual medical training with their Moroccan counterparts as part of Exercise AFRICAN LION 2010 by discussing chemical awareness and response at the
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Senegalese and Malian Soldiers Train with U.S. Special Forces in Mali
12:00 AM5/17/2010
Malian and Senegalese soldiers worked with their counterparts from the Special Operations Task Force (SOF) - 103, taking part in classes on small unit tactics, movements, and convoy vehicle recover drills, May 11, 2010 in Bamako.
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Ward Underscores America's Commitment to Advance Security, Stability and Peace in Africa
12:00 AM5/17/2010
General William E. "Kip" Ward, commander of U.S. Africa Command, told a gathering of senior military leaders from 32 nations across the African continent that America is committed to forming and maintaining partnerships that advance
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Commander CJTF-HOA Lauds U.S., Comorian Relationship During School Dedication in Comoros
12:00 AM5/17/2010
Comorian President Ahmed Abdallan Mohamed Sambi , U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Brian Losey, commander of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), U.S. Ambassador to the Comoros and Madagascar Niels Marquadt, and numerous Comorian government
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Flintlock 2010: Hundreds of Malians receive medical care
12:00 AM5/17/2010
The event included health care providers from the Malian Ministry of Health and Defense who treated nearly 700 local men, women and children at the Mali Army Noncommissioned Officers Academy outside the city of Segou.
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AFRICAN LION '10: Tennessee National Guardsmen Provide Heavy Equipment Transport System Course to Royal Moroccan Army Soldiers
12:00 AM5/17/2010
A class of 22 Royal Moroccan Army motor transportation drivers and mechanics participated in a course on Heavy Equipment Transport Systems during exercise AFRICAN LION, May 6, 2010.
The course was part of AFRICAN LION '10, an
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