Patch Subway Restaurant to Close July 27-28
12:00 AM7/27/2011
The Exchange has announced that the Subway Restaurant in Building 2353 on Patch Barracks will close for business July 27-28 in order to relocate its operations to the Patch Food Court. The Patch Theater pizza and Burger King mobile operations will
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Senegalese Civilian and Military Personnel Prepare to Exercise Pandemic Response Plan
12:00 AM7/26/2011
Nearly 100 civilian and military representatives primarily from Senegal and the United States came together in Saly for a weeklong exercise to prepare for a potential pandemic, July 25-29, 2011.
The Senegalese National Government
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Largest African Communications Exercise Concludes in The Gambia
12:00 AM7/26/2011
The Gambian Army band played their national anthem followed by the U.S. national anthem on the parade grounds in Banjul, July 21, 2011, bringing to a close the largest communications and interoperability exercise on the African continent.
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Samuel B. Roberts Departs Kenya
12:00 AM7/25/2011
USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58) (Sammy B) departed from Mombasa after a five-day port call in support of Africa Partnership Station (APS), July 23, 2011.
Sammy B played a vital role in the hub's success, which saw the graduation of
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Johannesburg Born Marine Returns to South Africa for Exercise
12:00 AM7/25/2011
There's the English spoken in South Africa, and then there's the English spoken in Southern California.
When Lance Corporal Kyle W. Smith moved from Johannesburg to Orange County following his step-father's job transfer in
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Port Elizabeth Ceremony Kicks Off Largest Ever Joint U.S.-South African Military Exercise
12:00 AM7/25/2011
U.S. service members and South African National Defence Force (SANDF) soldiers came together July 22, 2011 to mark the opening of Exercise Shared Accord 2011 with a brief ceremony.
Shared Accord is a bilateral military training and
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U.S. Army Doctors Join GAF at Local Clinics
12:00 AM7/22/2011
Soldiers from the 814th Medical Company of the North Dakota Army National Guard and the Ghana Armed Forces completed the last of three humanitarian civic assistant sites in Doryumu, Accra July 18, 2011 as part of MEDFLAG 11.
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USARAF's Forward Command Element Makes Fly-Away Worldwide Communications Kit Available
12:00 AM7/22/2011
When the U.S. Army Africa Forward Command Element (USARAF FCE) rolls onto a C-130 to head to Aviano in August, it will be with state-of-the-art electronics allowing worldwide communications.
The USARAF FCE, similar to a tactical
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Samuel B. Roberts Sailors Participate in Kenyan COMREL
12:00 AM7/22/2011
Sailors from USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58) (Sammy B) built and painted blackboards for a community relations (COMREL) project at Marenje Primary School, July 21, 2011.
This project is just one of the many ways Sammy B is
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Ghana, U.S. Vets Learn and Work Together
12:00 AM7/22/2011
Soldiers from the Iowa-based 949th Veterinary Company, U.S. Army National Guard, united with veterinarians from Ghana's 37th Military Hospital during MEDFLAG 11 to learn from each other and to work together July 20, 2011.
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Seminar Focuses on Maritime Safety and Security in West and Central Africa
12:00 AM7/21/2011
The Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) hosted a maritime safety and security conference July 19-21, 2011, in Garmisch, Germany, to facilitate cooperation and collaboration
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African Union Stands Up Peace Support Operations Center
12:00 AM7/21/2011
African and partner nation military representatives assembled at the African Union (AU) here to launch operations at the newly established Peace Support Operations Centre (PSOC). Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) provided
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Samuel B. Roberts Brings APS to Mombasa
12:00 AM7/21/2011
Captain John Esposito, deputy commodore of Destroyer Squadron Six Zero, and Commander Angel Cruz, the commanding officer of USS Samuel B. Roberts (FFG 58), met with local senior officials to mark the ship´s arrival as part of the Kenyan training
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Contingency Response Wing Takes on Africa Mission
12:00 AM7/21/2011
An Air Force wing that stood up at Joint Base McGuire-Dix in Lakehurst, N.J., to open airfields anywhere in the world on short notice soon will take on a new mission, helping African militaries establish their own air mobility systems.
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U.S. Army Africa Conducts Deployment Capability Training in Burundi
12:00 AM7/20/2011
At the request of the Burundian military, U.S. Army Africa's Africa Deployment Assistance Partnership Team, or ADAPT, conducted a deployment capability training event with uniformed members of the Burundian Defense Forces June 6-10, 2011, at
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U.S., Ghanaian Dental Teams Train Together
12:00 AM7/20/2011
Soldiers from the 965th Dental Company, U.S. Army Reserve Texas, continue to share information with the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) about U.S. dental practices during MEDFLAG 11 July 18, 2011, in Accra, Ghana.
The GAF and 965th Dental
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U.S., Ghana Partner, Teach Malaria Prevention
12:00 AM7/20/2011
A team of U.S. Soldiers from the 411th Civil Affairs Battalion, an Army Reserve unit out of Connecticut, partnered with Ghana's National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) during MEDFLAG 11 to implement a malaria outreach program and
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West African Nations Collaborate on Disaster Response during Weeklong Exercise
12:00 AM7/20/2011
Civilian and military representatives from six West African nations came together in Dakar, Senegal for a weeklong exercise to coordinate on national and regional disaster response planning with a focus on urban operations, July 18-22, 2011.
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U.S. Soldiers Experience Ghanaian Culture
12:00 AM7/19/2011
About 100 U.S. soldiers experienced the vibrant history and culture of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana July 17, 2011, while participating in MEDFLAG 11.
The Ghanaian Army-sponsored cultural day was one of the many examples of
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Cote d'Ivoire Ambassador Visits U.S. Africa Command HQ
12:00 AM7/19/2011
U.S. Ambassador to Cote d'Ivoire Phillip Carter III visited the commander of U.S. Africa Command, General Carter F. Ham, and senior leadership at U.S. AFRICOM headquarters July 7, 2011, to discuss the continued partnership between the command
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