The November general election is only 90 days away. To register, request a ballot and vote absentee by mail takes a LONG time. Go to today, use our online registration and absentee ballot assistant, and have your forms completed, printed out and ready to send back home in less than 10 minutes.
It's simple and fast!!
Most election officials are now emailing blank ballots!! Why wait 30 days, when you can get it emailed in 30 milliseconds.
The law has changed! You may not get your ballot automatically. Go to and get started! Make sure you include your email address!
Help spread the word! Pass this on to other military or overseas voters, including spouses and voting age dependents.
Bob Carey
P.S. Emails to or calls to our 24/7 help desk will be answered! And don't forget your unit or installation voting assistance officers. All that info, and more, at the FVAP website at