Soldiers with the Uganda Battle Group 6 (UGABAG 6) participated in a counter improvised explosive device (C-IED) mission planning exercise led by Marines from U.S. Marine Corps Forces Africa (MARFORAF), May 17-28, 2010.
The training was part of a joint effort by the U.S. Departments of State and Defense and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) to assist the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) in its commitment to improve regional peace and stability.
Master Sergeant Timothy Graves, MARFORAF Security Cooperation Team Intelligence Chief and IED subject matter expert, designed and supervised the "Attack the Network" training package in coordination with the Marine Corps Combat Development Command and the Joint IED Defeat Organization, which is the U.S. Department of Defense's C-IED brain trust.
The training was administered by the
Africa Contingency Operations Training and Assistance program (ACOTA) and took place at Sigo Training School 80 km north of Kampala.
In total, 110 UPDF soldiers were issued training completion certificates, including 45 junior officers and 65 enlisted men.
Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery Miller of the Marine Corps Engineer Center led the mission and said that the Ugandans are quick learners and are attentive and energetic. He also said that Colonel Ondogu, the UGABAG 6 Commander, thanked the United States for the valuable training.
According to Major Christopher Crimi, MARFORAF South and East Africa Regional Plans Officer, the training will improve the Battle Group's ability to conduct peace support operations by providing them with the latest C-IED tactics, techniques and procedures in advance of their scheduled AMISOM (African Union Mission in Somalia) deployment to Mogadishu.