On Wednesday, July 15, the Gulu District local government opened the new Odek P7 School, formerly attended by Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) leader Joseph Kony. Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Walter Ochora officiated at the opening ceremony, which was attended by over 500 people and included celebratory dances and speeches by many prominent officials,
Over the past months, Gulu District local government, supported by USAID, provided $180,000 to renovate the school, which is attended by 750 students. The students and teachers now enjoy renovated classroom blocks, teachers' housing, a kitchen, latrines and furniture. Before, they held classes outside. U.S. officials said the renovation shows how far northern Uganda has come since Kony last went to school there. After so many years of conflict, instability and war, the people of Northern Uganda, want their children to attend school, making a better future for themselves, officials said.