American medical personnel from the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) began a medical health treatment project in the Tanga region of Tanzania, scheduled to continue through July 12, 2008.
The American medical team has partnered with the U.S. Mission in Tanzania and the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to provide maternal care, diagnostic testing, and medical treatment to community members in Kirare, Mabokweni, Mkanyageni, and Masaika.
The team will also conduct teaching clinics at the four Tanga dispensaries, exchange knowledge on peri-natal care and malarial diagnoses, and provide a microscope to each dispensary to assist in improved laboratory diagnosis.
According to U.S. Embassy a spokesperson, other CJTF-HOA projects that have been completed in Tanzania include construction of a girlls dormitory at a secondary school in Pawaga, Iringa Region, construction of a primary school and provision of desks and suppies to in Matale village on Pemba Island.
This assistance is part of overall U.S. Government direct and multilateral assistance to Tanzania.